Vitamin C Face Mask for Wrinkles  

Vitamin C Face Mask for Wrinkles






1 Vitamin C Capsule


1 Egg


1 Teaspoon of Lemon Juice


1 dessertspoon of olive oil


Preparation and application:


Break the egg and separate the yolk from the white. Egg white will be used in the mask. You can put the egg yolk on the shelf.


Take the egg white in a clean bowl and add the other ingredients and mix.


Apply the mixture to your wrinkled areas by massaging with your fingertips.


Wait 25 minutes.


Wash with plenty of cold water.


Dry with a towel.




Apply the mask every two to three days.


With this mask, you will prevent the formation of wrinkles by delaying the signs of aging by increasing the production of collagen and the elasticity of the skin.


Do not move your muscles too much after applying the mask to your face.


Do not forget to apply a moisturizer that you have used at the end of the mask.

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