
Japan creates the skin of the future

If every skincare product on Earth can’t erase wrinkles, pesky pimples, dark spots, enlarged pores, and discolored scars, why not create a perfect second skin? So scientists in Japan thought, until they developed the “Fine” microfiber technology. Fiber Technology. What is it, and how was it employed to obtain the “future” skin in a few seconds?


In the search for the perfect skin, the marching Japan is advancing, with its uncanny ability to combine modern technologies with the ancient Asian cosmetic heritage, resulting in revolutionary products that are referred to as illustrious. And at the beginning of last month, the “Kao Corporation”, a leading company in cosmetic products, announced the results of a new study, which it had recently conducted, on the possibility of combining its “microfiber” technology with the use of cosmetics. The amazing results confirmed that when the makeup is distributed on top of the second skin that is woven by microfibers, the face looks perfect, natural and soft, and that this layer that tops the skin is able to perfectly harmonize with any cosmetics, it is distributed on top.


soft as silk


The beginning was in 2018, when Kao announced the development of its own technology, “microfibers”. In cooperation with Panasonic, it was able to create an electronic device that is carried manually to spray a layer of fibers in a very thin liquid form on the skin, which quickly turns into an invisible thin film, bearing all the meanings of softness and serenity, and makes the skin smooth as one of the finest and lightest types of silk. Japanese, better known as Koishimaru. This cooperation lasted for nearly 10 years, in order to design the device in the smallest possible size.
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What is the “FF” technique?


Fine Fiber (FF) technology allows tiny fibroblasts to be suspended in liquids, which, when sprayed onto the skin, activate the fibers to form a flexible, skin-like microscopic network. The thickness of the thin layer of fibers is less than one thousandth of a millimeter. The Japanese company “Kao” was inspired by the idea of ​​”microfiber” technology from the method of electrospinning used in the manufacture of non-woven fabrics, where ultra-fine fibers, with a diameter of less than one micrometer (1/100 of the diameter of a single hair), are pushed to the surface of the skin. (200,000 meters long of microfibers), which encases it in a very thin and smooth layer resembling a second skin. You can leave it on the skin overnight, and remove it the next morning; Then your skin will discover a new secret of infinite smoothness.


like “greenhouse”


This membrane acts as a barrier to moisture, so the skin does not lose it, and does not become dehydrated, but the tissues remain moist, while allowing it to breathe for several hours, similar to the effect of a greenhouse or a greenhouse. Based on this technology, Kao has introduced cosmetics based on that technology in two lines of preparations: “Sensai Biomimesis Veil” and “est Biomimesis Veil”. Despite their high price, the demand for them has reached the highest, especially with the tendency towards preference for home treatments in recent



No to filters


With this revolutionary technology, the Japanese company has fulfilled the dream of every woman to have smooth, soft skin, as if she had undergone cosmetic filters. In fact, the texture of the natural skin does not appear completely uniform or smooth, and the distribution of foundation and powder on it is enough to show the natural defects in the texture, and even shed light on them, and highlight them in an annoying way. Many – unfortunately – believe that make-up blurs wrinkles, when in fact it accentuates them exponentially. Hence the love for applying filters to photos and videos, after applying makeup. Experts point out that to enjoy silk-like skin, its surface must be smooth, but trying to cover any imperfections with a thick layer of foundation will only lead to an artificial and completely unnatural result.


Softness rating


Spreading the microfiber film before makeup can eliminate this problem, and give the skin a perfect natural look. The company devised a customized program; To determine the extent of the difference that this membrane makes, in terms of skin smoothness, I called it “Kirei Skin AI”, as it evaluates the difference in smoothness objectively and quantitatively, using artificial intelligence techniques. The program showed that the skin became smoother; When covered with microfiber wrap, before applying makeup on it.


Thirty Japanese women, aged between 30 and 54, were recruited to measure improvement over a two-week period. The results concluded that 90% of them confirmed that their skin became silky smooth, and that the pores had disappeared, which made them more confident in themselves.




burn victims


Scientists expect that this technology will be used in the future in the medical fields, and for therapeutic purposes, especially for burn victims. Similar technologies already exist now, including those that use cells or polymers, but Kao’s technology focuses on fibers, which are more flexible and harder to break even as the facial muscles are moved. Kao believes that sales could reach 100 billion yen (the equivalent of $918 million), if the technology is expanded; To include medical markets. In the US, Renova Care sells a SkinGun that delivers a gentle mist of liquid mixed with human stem cells; To help burn victims repair damaged skin. While the company “ReCell” marketing a similar “Spray-on Skin Kit”; To compensate for skin loss, and to speed up the healing process of lesions, open sores, and even minor surgical incisions.

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