5 Naturally Effective Ways to Get Rid of Facial Hair

Many women want to get rid of facial hair. Among the causes of unwanted facial hair; genetic structure of the person, some drugs used, hormonal changes or being too stressed . These reasons lead to unwanted hair on the face of the person. Women resort to many methods to get rid of unwanted hair on their faces. At the beginning of these methods are natural recipes. It is possible to get rid of facial hair when natural recipes are applied regularly for a while. In the rest of our article, we talked about 5 different natural recipes to get rid of unwanted facial hair.


What Are The Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Facial Hair?


Turmeric And Milk Method




2 tablespoons of milk


2 tablespoons of powdered turmeric




Put 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder and 2 tablespoons of milk in a small bowl. Mix turmeric and milk with the help of a spoon. The resulting consistency should be paste-like. You can add some milk or turmeric to get the paste consistency. The mixture is nicely rubbed onto the unwanted hairs in the face area. It is expected to dry for half an hour. After half an hour, the entire face is washed with warm water. This process is repeated 3-4 times a week.  Over time, you will witness that when the hairs start to grow, they become weaker and even in some parts of your face, there is no hair at all.


Gelatin Mask




1 tablespoon of gelatin powder


3 tablespoons of milk


3-5 drops of lemon juice




In a small bowl, add gelatin powder, milk and a few drops of lemon. All the added ingredients are mixed well with the help of a teaspoon. The bowl is then heated in the microwave for 15 seconds. If there is no microwave, the bowl is placed in a bowl of water and heated slightly on the stove. After the mixture has cooled, it is applied on unwanted facial hair. The mixture is kept on the face area for about 5-6 minutes and then the gelatin mask is peeled off with the help of fingers. You can repeat this process 2 times a week. Thanks to this method, you get rid of not only your facial hair, but also blackheads and dead skin cells.


Lemon Juice And Honey




4 tablespoons of honey


2 teaspoons of lemon juice




Add honey and lemon juice into the bowl and mix well with the help of a teaspoon. The resulting mixture is applied in the direction of the unwanted hair growth on the face. The mixture is left on the hairs for an average of 15 minutes. Then the skin is rinsed with plenty of water. This process should be done every day, it is possible to get rid of unwanted facial hair over time.


Egg White Mask




1 tablespoon of cornmeal


1 tablespoon of granulated sugar


1 egg white (the white of the egg should be separated from the yolk)




Carefully separate the yolk from the white of 1 egg. Make sure that no yellow part gets on the separated white part. Egg white is taken into a bowl. Add granulated sugar and corn flour into the bowl and mix well with the help of a spoon. The mixture obtained is applied with the help of a finger towards the direction of the hair growth on the face. It takes about 15 minutes to dry. Then you can wash your face with warm water . You can repeat this process 4 or 5 times a week. As a result of regular application, you can see that your hair is reduced.


Corn Flour Mask




1 teaspoon of cornmeal


1 teaspoon of granulated sugar


1 egg white




Put corn flour, egg white and granulated sugar in a small bowl. Then it is mixed well with the help of a spoon and applied to the hairs on the face. Let it sit for about 15-20 minutes. Then the mask is peeled off the skin with the help of fingers and rinsed with warm water. This process is repeated 2 times a week. It is possible to get rid of hairs as a result of regular use






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