
How do I remove tartar from teeth?

Methods of treating tartar from the teeth


When dental plaque forms and accumulates and turns into a solid substance, the best solution to remove it is to go to the dentist, who uses a machine that emits sound waves to remove the solid parts of the tartar, or uses a regular machine that breaks up the lime around the teeth, and restores the teeth to its nature and beauty.


Natural recipes for cleaning teeth and preventing tartar


Natural recipes can be resorted to to clean the teeth, besides the brush and paste, and these recipes prevent the formation of tartar and help in whitening and glossing the teeth.


baking soda


Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is one of the most powerful natural materials that help clean teeth, remove food residues from the mouth, and prevent the appearance of dental plaque. Baking soda also helps in activating the gums and treating inflammation and bleeding teeth.


Put a few drops of water on a teaspoon of baking soda, mix it well, until it turns into a paste, then put a few of it on the toothbrush, and brush the teeth with it for several minutes and then rinse the mouth with cold water, and this method can be used once in Today along with brush and putty.



Apple cider vinegar


Puff vinegar contains highly concentrated acidic compounds, and these acids help dissolve food waste between the teeth, clean the mouth, and treat gingivitis, and apple cider vinegar helps eliminate harmful bacteria that grow in the mouth, causing dental plaque.


The toothbrush is dipped in apple cider vinegar, then brushed the teeth with it once a day, and some rinsing the brush and toothpaste is used as usual, and apple cider vinegar must be rinsed well, so that the acidic substances in it do not affect the enamel and health of the teeth.


Clove oil


Clove oil is one of the natural oils that are useful in eliminating the bacteria that form dental plaque, and helps in cleansing the mouth, strengthening gum tissue and preventing tooth bleeding, and clove oil above that it helps in cleansing the mouth and cleaning the teeth, it gives the mouth a good smell and helps in Teeth whitening and prevention of decay.


The teeth are rubbed with a finger moistened with clove oil, or a cotton swab is dipped in clove oil and the teeth are rubbed with it several times, then the rinse is done and the brush and toothpaste are used.




Tips to prevent dental plaque


Washing the teeth: Continuous brushing and toothpaste are among the things that prevent the formation of dental plaque, and brushing the teeth at least twice a day for three minutes each time, and washing the teeth from the inside and outside.


Use of dental floss: One of the things that also helps to get rid of dental plaque is the use of dental floss, which works to remove food residues from between the teeth that the brush cannot reach.


Rinsing: Rinsing the mouth with cold water several times a day helps to clean the teeth and get rid of sugary and starchy materials, the accumulation of which leads to

Eating healthy foods: Eating vegetables and fruits helps in strengthening the teeth and protecting the mouth from the formation of dental plaque, and it strengthens the enamel of the teeth and resists decay.


Drinking water: Drinking plenty of water after meals or during meals helps to clean the mouth and increase the amount of saliva, and prevents the accumulation of food residues and the proliferation of bacteria around the teeth that cause dental plaque, and helps moisturize the mouth and protect it from unpleasant odors.




How is dental tartar formed?


Dental tartar is formed as a result of the accumulation of minerals and dental plaque in saliva on the outer surface of the teeth. Where it hardens on the outer surface, which may lead to covering it, and this layer may reach the bottom of the gums, knowing that the tartar deposits that settle behind and between the teeth appear yellow or brown, and the tartar layer is tough and porous, which leads to easy exposure to pigmentation with eating. And drink, so the formation of tartar affects the health of the





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