Diet dates and milk in two weeks


There are many types of diets that depend on eating certain foods, such as those that depend on eating proteins for a certain period, or eating fiber such as vegetables and fruits while refraining from eating other things that support them, these different types of diets have their supporters and opponents, it is true that they help you sometimes To lose weight quickly, but it loses you many nutrients that your body needs, and the choice remains for you to choose what you find best for you. In this article, we will learn about the latest types of diets, which is the “dates and milk diet.”

Dates and milk diet

From its name, it becomes clear to us that this diet depends mainly on eating milk and dates in all the main meals of the day, and in it you must eat twenty-one dates of dates with one cup of skimmed milk in each meal, provided that the date grains are divided into seven grains in each meal. meal, and attention should be paid mainly to drinking at least three liters of water so that the person does not become dehydrated, and he is allowed to drink tea, chamomile, coffee, and anise without sugar at all, and this diet helps to lose at least four kilograms per week, It is adhered to for two weeks or more.

Pros and cons of dates and milk diet

Pros of the date diet

It is summarized in the fact that it contains a large proportion of fiber and water, and a small amount of carbohydrates that help give energy to the body. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals; Such as iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, and phosphorous, and the lack of calories in it is one of its advantages.

As for talking about its negatives, it is considered poor in many of the nutrients that the body needs, and it is an important basis in any diet a person intends to follow, and it leads to exhaustion of the body if it is followed for a long period of time.

A diet of dates and milk for two weeks in the first three days:

Breakfast: Seven dates and one cup of skimmed milk, plus one cup of green salad without oil, and it can be replaced with one cup of boiled vegetables.

Lunch: seven dates and one cup of skimmed milk, add two cups of fattoush, put only one tablespoon of olive oil, and a quarter of a loaf of brown bread, and it can be seasoned with sumac, pomegranate molasses, and lemon juice.

Dinner: seven dates, and one glass of skim milk only.

After that, the person moves to another diet that is integrated in nutrients so that his body does not deprive his body of what benefits him and he needs, and he returns to the diet of dates and milk again, and continues to do so until he reaches the weight he wants. It is worth noting that this type of diet is strictly prohibited for pregnant women, lactating women, and children, as well as for people with diabetes and heart disease, or for those who suffer from low immunity to the body.

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