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Three treatments that replace traditional plastic surgery - Care Beauty

Three treatments that replace traditional plastic surgery

Traditional cosmetic surgery are becoming a thing of the past as more and more people are now choosing non-invasive or minimally invasive cosmetic treatments to modify their features. Technological advances and research have made it possible to introduce more sophisticated aesthetic procedures into the market. The reasons for its popularity are minimal downtime for everyday life and natural looking results. Here are three treatments that have increasingly replaced the need to opt for traditional plastic surgery.

Your guide to 3 unconventional cosmetic procedures for a flawless, proportioned face

Surgical alternatives

Blepharoplasty  commonly referred to as blepharoplasty, is a modular procedure designed to tighten and lift sagging skin around the upper and lower eyelids These procedures significantly improve sagging of the upper eyelids and under the eyes, as well as increase the field of vision, by repositioning fat, tightening muscles, supporting tendons, and removing excess skin around the eyes. The process takes between 45 minutes to an hour. During upper eyelid surgery, a tiny incision is made along the natural crease of the eyelid to remove excess fat, skin, muscle and tissue that contribute to a chronically tired or sad appearance. During lower eyelid surgery, an “invisible” incision is made inside the lower eyelid to remove excess fat and tighten loose skin.


The neck is one of the first places to show signs of aging. For some, the result of this is fat, which is more likely to build up under the chin. This excess fat and saggy skin can affect the shape of the jaw and face in general. Then, chin liposuction is performed to remove the fat from under the skin and sculpt the contour of the chin and neck. A small incision is made under the skin where a tube is inserted. Gentle suction technology is used to remove fat from strategic locations. The bandage is applied as necessary. This usually includes a special chin strap to support the skin during recovery.

Ear plastic surgery
Otoplasty – also known as cosmetic ear surgery – is a procedure to change the shape, position or size of the ears. It is a surgical procedure usually chosen to reshape the outer ear and correct a prominent ear deformity. The procedure usually begins with a small incision behind the ear. This incision is often placed in the crease of the ear so that it is not noticeable with the naked eye. The surgeon will then use this incision to move the ear or reshape it by removing the cartilage if necessary. Finally, the surgeon will secure the ear with threads for a more attractive appearance.