
Intensify eyebrows easily with 13 new mixtures

Intensify eyebrows easily with 13 new mixtures

Many women seek to thicken the eyebrows and get a thick and attractive duty, especially if they are naturally light. Thick eyebrows make you look more beautiful and younger, that’s why most women want their eyebrows to be thick. But not all women can make their eyebrows thicker in natural ways. If you are one of the women who have thin eyebrows and have spaces, here are some home recipes to make the eyebrows thick and all are effective, easy and effective ways.

Eyebrow conditioning

Here are these natural mixtures, prepare them yourself if you want to intensify the eyebrows

1- Castor oil:

Castor oil has been used for centuries as a treatment for many beauty problems and conditions, such as hair loss. It is magical for hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. Castor oil is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal oil in nature. But it is more important for hair because of its nutritional composition. It contains vitamin E, minerals, proteins, Oeja 6 and 9 fatty acids. Castor oil is very rich in ricanolic (a fatty acid), which is very beneficial for the skin. It neutralizes the PH level and helps hair grow in an effective way by providing the appropriate environment.

  •  You need castor oil and cotton
  • Dip a piece of cotton in the oil
  • – Wipe with cotton on the eyebrows and it is possible to use fingers to apply oil on the eyebrows
  • Make a gentle massage of the eyebrows using the oil for 2-3 minutes
  • Leave the oil on the eyebrows for half an hour
  • – Wash the eyebrows with a cleanser and lukewarm water
  • Do this daily and you will notice the result within 4-6 weeks

Warning: Castor oil may cause skin irritation. If you are allergic to castor oil, it may cause a rash. So it is a good idea to test the oil on a small area of ​​the skin before using it.

2- Coconut oil:

Very rich in minerals and vitamins, it has been used since ancient times to treat hair problems. The proteins and fatty acids present in coconut oil stimulate and help hair to grow.

  • You need coconut oil, preferably from a reliable source
  • Put a few drops of coconut oil on the eyebrows
  • If the oil freezes (coconut oil is quick to harden at low temperatures), rub it between your hands or warm it up a little.
  • Massage the eyebrows using the oil for a few minutes
  • Leave it on overnight or not less than 1-2 hours
  • – Wash it with warm water
  • Do this every day and you will see results within 6-8 weeks

3- Olive oil:

A massage for the eyebrows using olive oil enhances the movement of blood circulation, which is necessary for hair growth. Olive oil is not only useful for eyebrows, but for hair as well, as it reduces the production of the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone causes hair loss because it makes the hair strands tight.

  • You need half a teaspoon of olive oil
  • honey (optional)
  • warm water
  • Massage the eyebrows using olive oil for 2-3 minutes, preferably before bedtime
  • Leave it on all night and wash it off in the morning
  • If you use honey and olive oil, mix them well
  • Massage with this mixture on the eyebrows
  • Leave it on for 30-40 minutes
  • – Wash it with warm water
  • Repeat this until you get satisfactory results

4- Sweet Almond Oil:

Sweet almond oil contains a high concentration of vitamins and minerals. Fatty acids 9, 6, 3 are also present and help in hair growth and maintenance. Massage using oil stimulates hair growth.

  • Put a few drops of the oil on the eyebrows
  • Massage for a few minutes
  • Leave it overnight or a few hours
  • – Wash it with lukewarm water
  • Repeat this

5- Jojoba oil:

It contains 98% of unsaturated oils and 2% of saturated oils. This makes it penetrate the hair follicles and strengthen the hair from the inside. It is also rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E. All of this helps to promote the growth of eyebrows and increase their density.

  • Steps: Using jojoba oil, do an eyebrow massage and repeat until you get satisfactory results

6- Sesame oil:

Sesame oil has great nutritional benefits and a powerful factor in healing diseases. It contains vitamins such as B complex and E and some minerals such as magnesium, calcium and phosphorous, as well as protein. All of these substances strengthen the hair and nourish it from the roots.

  • Steps: Using sesame oil, massage the eyebrows for a few minutes, leave it for hours or overnight, and then wash it with lukewarm water.

7- Linseed oil:

Contains omega-3 linseed oil with materials necessary for hair growth. A massage using linseed oil strengthens and strengthens hair. It is also possible to include linseed oil in a healthy nutrition system for better health.


  • Put a few drops of linseed oil on the eyebrows
  • – Do a massage
  • Leave it on for 30-60 minutes
  • Repeat until you get satisfactory results

Oils alone are not useful for hair growth, there are many natural substances and herbs that are used to promote hair growth, such as yogurt, onion juice, hibiscus, egg yolk and aloe vera oil.

8- Onion juice:

One of the best home remedies to thicken eyebrows hair is very rich in sulfur. Sulfur not only protects hair from falling out, but also promotes its growth. It also works to strengthen hair follicles.

  • an onion
  • lemon juice (optional)
  • a piece of cotton
  • Squeeze the onion and extract the juice
  • Use the juice to massage the eyebrows for 2-3 minutes
  • Leave it on for half an hour or an hour or more
  • – Wash it with warm water
  • If you cannot get rid of the onion smell, wipe the eyebrows with a piece of cotton dipped in lemon juice
  • Repeat this daily to get excellent results

9- Egg yolk:

Hair consists of a protein called keratin, which is an essential component of hair, and eggs are an essential source of protein, as it helps rebuild damaged hair. Eggs also contain biotin, which is essential for hair growth.

  • An egg and a piece of cotton
  • Separate the egg yolk from the white
  • Beat the egg yolk with a fork until it becomes semi-cream
  • – Dip the cotton in the yolk that has been beaten with
  • – Wipe the cotton on the eyebrows and leave it for 20-30 minutes
  • Wash the eyebrows with warm water
  • Repeat this once or twice a week

10- Milk:

Milk, like eggs, is very rich in protein. A low-protein diet causes hair loss and thin eyebrows. Therefore, protein must be included in the diet, such as milk. There are two types of protein in milk, whey and milk protein, which are very useful in hair growth. The glutamine in milk protein stimulates the growth of hair follicles, and therefore is very useful in hair growth, and this can be exploited in the growth of eyebrow hair.

  • milk and cotton
  • Dip the coffin in the milk
  • Do a massage and leave it for 15-20 minutes
  • – Wash with warm water
  • Repeat this more than once a day

11- Aloe Vera:

Very useful for hair strands and strengthening them and helps in the growth of hair in a quick and excellent way and also smoothes the skin.

  • Aloe vera leaf
  • Coconut oil (optional)
  • Cut the aloe vera leaf and take out the substance inside
  • Use it to massage the eyebrows for 2-3 minutes
  • Leave it for an hour and a half and then wash it off
  • Coconut oil can be added to increase the effectiveness of hair growth

12- Hibiscus:

Beautiful pink herbs are very useful in hair growth, strengthening it as well as protecting hair from premature pigmentation. It contains very excellent nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins C and E and alpha hydroxy acids along with other nutrients that stimulate hair growth.

  • Chop the hibiscus flowers until you get a paste
  • Apply the paste on the eyebrows and leave it for an hour and a half
  • Repeat it daily

13- Rosemary:

Very useful in protecting hair, and with frequent use, it helps to strengthen hair follicles and stimulates its growth.

  • 2-3 drops of rosemary oil
  • Half a teaspoon of olive oil, coconut oil, or any other oil
  • Mix rosemary oil with any other oil of your choice
  • Apply the mixed oil to the eyebrows using a cotton pad
  • Massage for 2-3 minutes
  • Leave it on for a few hours or overnight and then wash it off
  • – Repeat daily

Some important tips:

Avoid plucking a lot of the eyebrows, because this weakens the hair, reduces it and changes the shape of the eyebrows. Do not pluck only when necessary.

– Avoid using strong chemicals if the creams and moisturizers for the eyebrows are made of chemicals, try replacing them with other natural materials. Also, do not use these creams and moisturizers excessively, because this weakens the hair follicles and reduces hair growth.

Minimize the use of eyebrow makeup: If you want natural-looking eyebrows, do not use makeup, eyeliner pencils, or any other cosmetics.

If you follow a healthy diet, it must be balanced and contain all the nutrients from proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth and thus eyebrow hair

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