
Baking soda masks 11 different recipes

Baking soda masks 11 different recipes

Baking soda is no longer used only for making baked goods, now soda has become an essential component of many distinctive cosmetic remedies, which do not cost a lot of money, and do not have harmful side effects.

Baking soda mask

Baking soda has many benefits and uses, including:

  1. Clean and disinfect the skin by killing bacteria and viruses.
  2. Acne treatment.
  3. It acts as a natural exfoliator for the skin.
  4. It nourishes the skin.


In this article, we will review ways to prepare a baking soda mask in different ways to benefit the skin and skin

Water mask with baking soda for the face

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of water with 1 tablespoon and a half of baking soda, until it becomes a paste-like consistency.
  2. Wash your face well, then dry it with a clean towel.
  3. Put the soda paste on your face, but avoid the sensitive areas around the eyes and mouth.
  4. Leave the mask on for 5-10 minutes
  5. Wash your face with clean cold water

Honey and baking soda face mask

  1. You need 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of orange juice, and the juice of half a fresh lemon.
  2. Mix the above ingredients well to make the mask.
  3. Wash your face with lukewarm water, then dry it with a clean towel.
  4. Apply the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes until it dries.
  5. Remove the mask from your face using a clean washcloth dampened with warm water.
  6. Wipe your face with a cotton pad moistened with the toner you usually use.

Orange juice with baking soda face mask

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of orange juice with 1 tablespoon of baking soda, until it becomes a paste-like consistency.
  2. Wash your face well, then dry it with a clean towel.
  3. Put the soda paste on your face, but avoid the sensitive areas around the eyes and mouth.
  4. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Wash your face with clean lukewarm water.

Tea tree oil and baking soda mask for oily skin

  1. You need ¼ cup of baking soda, juice of half a lemon, and ½ tablespoon of tea tree oil.
  2. Mix the above ingredients well until a cohesive mask is formed.
  3. Wash your face well with warm water, then dry it with a clean towel.
  4. Apply the mask to your face, but avoid the sensitive areas around the eyes and mouth.
  5. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes.
  6. Wash your face with clean warm water to remove the mask, then wash it again with cold water to close the pores.
  7. Moisturize your face with your usual moisturizer.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide mask

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide; To make a mask with a cohesive texture.
  2. Wash your face well, then dry it with a clean towel.
  3. Apply the mask to your face, but avoid the sensitive areas around the eyes and mouth.
  4. Leave the mask for 5 minutes.
  5. Wash your face with clean cold water.

Strawberry and baking soda face mask

This mask is used to remove dead cells from the skin.

Catcher Components:

  1. 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  2. Half a cup of strawberry slices.
  3. 1 tablespoon of yogurt
  4. 1 tablespoon of honey
  5. egg white
  6. Two tablespoons of almonds


  1. Put the previous ingredients in the blender to make the mask.
  2. Put the mask on your face for about 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wash your face with lukewarm water and dry it.
  4. Moisturise your face with your usual moisturizer.

Beer yeast and baking soda face mask

The mask is used to purify the skin from impurities, which reduces the chances of acne breakouts.

Catcher Components:

  1. 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  2. A tablespoon of brewer’s yeast
  3. a tablespoon of water
  4. One Vitamin C tablet (powder)


  1. Mix the above ingredients well to prepare the mask.
  2. Put the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Wash your face with lukewarm water and dry it.
  4. Moisturise your face with your usual moisturizer

Oatmeal and baking soda face mask

Oats contain many important minerals such as phosphorous, magnesium, iron, and manganese, which makes this mask the best for nourishing the face.


  1. 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  2. Two tablespoons of oatmeal
  3. a tablespoon of water.


  1. Mix the above ingredients well to prepare the mask.
  2. Put the mask on your face for 12 minutes.
  3. Wash your face with lukewarm water and dry it.

Cucumber and baking soda refreshing mask

The purpose of this mask is to relieve signs of fatigue and skin fatigue.


  1. A tablespoon of baking soda.
  2. 1 tablespoon of oatmeal
  3. honey spoon
  4. Half a peeled cucumber.
  5. Half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.


  1. Put the previous ingredients in the blender to make the mask.
  2. Put the mask on your face for about 20 minutes.
  3. Wash your face with lukewarm water and dry it.

Olive oil and baking soda face mask

Olive oil contains many vitamins that nourish the skin, and it also contains antioxidants that fight the appearance of wrinkles; So this is the best mask to nourish, moisturize, and cleanse the face.


  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of cold olive oil with 2 tablespoons of baking soda; To prepare the catcher.
  2. Put the mask on your face for about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Then wash your face well with lukewarm water.

Orange peel yogurt and baking soda face mask

This mask works to treat and fight acne, as the substances in its composition act as good disinfectants for the skin from germs and bacteria.


  1. Half a teaspoon of baking soda
  2. teaspoon grated orange peel
  3. A teaspoon of yogurt.


  1. Mix the above ingredients well to prepare the mask.
  2. Put the mask on your face for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wash your face with lukewarm water and dry it with a clean towel.

Important Tips:

  1. Before applying any of these masks to your face, try it on a small part of the elbow for 10 minutes; To make sure that you are not allergic to baking soda.
  2. Do not rub any mask containing baking soda on your face.
  3. Do not use any of the baking soda masks in case of sunburn

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