
Enlarge lips with makeup and recipes to enlarge them at home

How to enlarge lips with makeup Here are the steps
Step 1:
The scrub that we do for the face can be used on the lips as well as the rest of the skin on the face, as this process cleanses the pores and exfoliates dry skin, and dead skin from the surface of the lips, and you have to spend a few minutes massaging your lips to remove cells flaky skin that will keep your lips looking unhealthy.


Method: You can use a natural sugar scrub at home, by mixing equal amounts of sugar and olive oil, or you can buy these products from cosmetics stores, and you can also use the brush gently on your lips to help exfoliate.

Step 2:
Moisturize your lips and prevent them from drying out, and exfoliate the area around the lips as well. A variety of moisturizers can be used to keep your lips from drying out, and you should use a moisturizer daily, especially if the weather is cold, or dry.

  • Before applying makeup, you should apply a layer of moisturizer to your lips, to allow it to absorb the makeup, and lip balm can be used to moisturize your lips at any time.
  • Moisturizing the body externally and internally, this means drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, and this is not only healthy for your body but keeps your skin and lips hydrated.

Step 3:
Choose the right shade of lipstick. When choosing the color of the lips, you should try to choose the lightest color, because dark colors appear thinner, and the same applies to lipstick, so any dark colors will make your lips appear smaller.


Step 4:
Draw a line along the outer edge of the lip using the liner, where a line is placed a little higher than the actual lip, and this helps to put the lipstick, and prevents it from moving on your face, which happens sometimes, especially with dark colors.

  • Care must be taken while drawing the edges so that the lips appear naturally and coordinated and not larger than usual, and instead the natural shape of your lips.

Step 5:
Take the lipstick color of your choice and apply it on the lips, using a brush to blend it into the lip liner to remove any harsh lines.

  • If you want something special, use a little white eye shadow above the middle of the upper lip and lighten it with a brush. This trick shows your lips fuller and bigger, but it must be done in a talented way to look fake and natural at the same time.

Step 6:
Use a lip gloss that reflects the light to give the illusion that the lips are bigger, and if you do not like the appearance of gloss, you should choose a light-colored lipstick that has a slight sheen.

  • Apply the gloss to both the upper and lower lip, but more on the middle of the lips and not on the left and right sides, which makes your lips appear larger.

Step 7:
Highlight the lips by completing the makeup around the lips and using a bright bronze color, placing it on some curves under your lips and above your chin, and this gives the impression of more height to the lips.

A group of useful home methods for lip augmentation

1- Put a small amount of chili powder on the outside of the lips, where a small amount of pepper is mixed with water to form a thin paste, then placed on your lips and left for about ten minutes, then rinsed with water.

  • Avoid licking your lips when applying the paste to your lips. This method depends on skin irritation, so long-term use of this method should be avoided

2- Use of peppermint oil and cinnamon oil sometimes in very small doses to enlarge the lips, which makes the lips appear larger and more pink. But using cinnamon oil on the lips causes significant irritation, so it is best to mix lip balm with cinnamon oil when using it.

  • Remember that this oil is very hot, but it is a great solution. There are some natural lip balms that contain vitamin E, cinnamon oil and olive oil and are sometimes sold commercially, and when you use it, you will feel that your lips are bigger, but before that you must make sure to choose the product that is suitable with your skin type.

3- Whistling engages the muscles of the lips, which increases their size, as it is considered one of the natural remedies for the lips that do not harm them.

5- Suction the air from a bottle. Keep your lips in it for 10-15 seconds, and repeat this three times daily.

6- Smiles help to strengthen the muscles of the lips, and some are concerned about the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth. To avoid wrinkles, you should pull the corners of the lips with the fingers to avoid the formation of wrinkles, and maintain this position for 10-15 seconds three times a day.

7- The following are some exercises for the lips that help to increase the size of the lips and make them appear larger: Bring
the lips together and move them from left to right, and again from right to left, and repeat this exercise four or five times to increase the size of the lips.

8- Holding your lips together, rotate them clockwise three times, and then change direction to rotate counterclockwise.

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