Tech Neck: How to Prevent Flattening Caused by Electronics

Today we would like to introduce you to a new concept: Tech neck! Tech neck, which occurs when you spend too much time on electronics such as tablets, phones or computers, seems to be the discomfort of our age. If you also spend hours in front of the screen, you are in the right place! This problem, which we can also refer to as neck flattening, can be easily avoided with minor changes in your routine. We have researched and written for you ways to prevent tech neck caused by electronics. With these suggestions, you can say goodbye to neck and back pain! Here are the ways to prevent tech neck, the discomfort of our age…

Take a break from electronics

We know, easier said than done! 😊 However, you should not forget that you need to take frequent breaks from electronic devices. If you wish, you can use various applications to track the time you spend on the screen, and get help from alarms. Taking 2-3 minute breaks after 20 minutes of screen time will have a much greater impact than you might think.

Do chin tuck exercises

Chin tuck exercises are among the exercises you can easily do while sitting at your desk. All you have to do is sit in a comfortable position and keep your chin parallel to the floor. Then, without tilting your head, you should pull your chin backwards just like taking your jowl. If you wish, you can try to stretch your head upwards as if your head is being pulled from above by a rope. You can do these exercises twice a day to strengthen your neck muscles and improve your posture.

Rearrange your workspace

Leaning your head forward while spending time on your phone, tablet or computer puts stress on your muscles. By bringing the screen to your eye level, you can alleviate this overload on your neck muscles and reduce your back and neck pain. This arrangement will also help you keep your neck in neutral alignment!

Pay attention to your sitting position

Those who spend a lot of time on the computer come here! Changing your sitting position can have a bigger impact than you think. An ergonomic chair and lumbar support help keep your back and neck in a neutral position throughout the day.

For pain, choose cold compresses at first and then hot compresses.

tech neck

It doesn’t matter what kind of pain it is! When you first feel the pain, you should apply a cold compress to the aching area. In this way, you can reduce both pain and swelling. After you get over the first shock, you can compress with hot towels and say goodbye to back and waist pain in a short time.

Strengthen your back muscles with exercise

tech neck

The most effective way to prevent tech neck is of course regular exercise! Strong back muscles are essential for maintaining the shape of your neck. Experts underline that pilates exercises are very effective in correcting posture and strengthening muscles.

Give door exercises a try!

neck straightening tech neck

Door exercises that you can do with support from the door are great for stretching your shoulder and chest muscles. The most important point to consider when it comes to door exercises is to continue until you feel the tension in your muscles. Of course, it is also useful not to force your body too much!

Massage the affected area

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Spending long hours in front of a screen can cause neck pain. If the tension in your shoulders has increased, this can cause drowsiness or even a headache. Neck massage reduces overall stiffness and stress by reducing inflammation in the muscles.

Use retinol to prevent fine lines

neck straightening tech neck

You must have heard of retinol, which is indispensable in the skin care world. Spending long hours in front of a screen can cause fine lines on your neck. If you want an anti-aging care, you can apply a skin care product containing retinol to your neck and chin.

Make sure you get enough sleep

neck straightening tech neck

A good night’s sleep not only gives you energy and increases your productivity! It also helps relieve your pain. Getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress on your back and neck. Therefore, you should take care to get enough sleep.

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