The syringe to explode the egg, all you need to know about it

Many of you have heard before about the injection injection or the needle to explode the egg, which gives the hormone HGC to the human chorionic gonadotropin to a person by injection or a liquid substance and is often used to increase fertility in people who suffer from infertility. Chorionic gonadotropin is the hormone that supports the normal development of an egg in a woman’s ovary and stimulates the release of eggs during the ovulation process.

HCG is used during ovulation to treat infertility in women and to increase sperm count in men. It is also used in young boys when they suffer from pituitary gland disorders. It is a fertility treatment because the hormone stimulates the release of an egg from the ovary. This hormone is given by injection to give positive results in a pregnancy test and cause symptoms similar to those of early pregnancy.

oocyte blasting injection

What is the needle to detonate the egg?

HCG injection is required to inject the HCG hormone, which is a protein hormone produced by the placenta that is released immediately after implantation of the fertilized egg, and it is an element required to maintain pregnancy. During the first weeks of pregnancy, HCG stimulates the production of natural progesterone and continues to release progesterone, causing a missed period. And when the production of HCG increases steadily, it doubles every 48-72 hours and during the first weeks of pregnancy.

Ovulation usually occurs within 36 hours after the injection of the egg, and sometimes ovulation occurs as soon as 24 hours after the injection or even after 48 hours after the injection. The doctor prescribes these injections for women undergoing fertility treatments and asks to wait until ovulation occurs. Ovulation injections are given to women who have irregular ovulation cycles.

An injection is given to rupture the egg under the skin or into a muscle. The doctor, nurse or pharmacist can use it and give you specific instructions on how and where to inject. In the event that you do not know how to inject, you should not do it yourself, contact the doctor immediately, especially when you notice signs such as blood clots, pain or numbness in the leg, confusion, severe dizziness, or severe headache.

Some women have developed the use of this medicine in cases called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, especially after the initial treatment cycle, and this condition threatens your life. You should contact your doctor immediately if you have symptoms of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, and these symptoms include pelvic pain, swelling of the hands, legs, stomach pain, swelling, shortness of breath, weight gain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination.

HCG causes the signs of early puberty in boys and a doctor should be consulted in the event of early signs of puberty in boys such as pubic hair growth, deep voice, increased acne, sweating.

Egg blasting injections can be used to increase the chances of a fertilized pregnancy (twins, triplets, quadruplets), but a multiple pregnancy is a high-risk pregnancy for the mother and the baby, and it is preferable to follow the doctor’s instructions about any special care you may need during pregnancy.

 Before using the egg blaster needle?

Before using the IVF, be careful if you are allergic to some diseases:

Early puberty, prostate cancer, thyroid disorder, polycystic ovary, breast cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, epilepsy, migraine, asthma.

If you have any of these conditions, you may need to adjust the dose or do a trial first to achieve the safe use of the egg-blasting needle. It is not recommended to use the egg detonation needle if you are pregnant because it causes fetal abnormalities and should not be used without informing the doctor if you are breastfeeding your child.

 How does the ovum detonation needle work?

The needle to detonate the egg helps during the ovulation period. When the needle is given to detonate the egg, it causes the follicles of a mature egg to occur in the ovary until the egg reaches the stage of maturity. Ovulation usually occurs within 36 hours after the injection or 48 hours. There is no specific time frame for when ovulation occurs. The doctor can determine when ovulation occurs.

You can determine if you are pregnant or not after taking the IVF by doing blood tests after a few days have passed. Unlike urine tests, a blood test measures a specific amount of the hormone HCG in the blood. It determines if the level of the hormone HCG is rising or not, as is the case in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Side effects of the IV injection:

HCG is present in normal circumstances during pregnancy and when you have fertility problems, the doctor recommends injecting HCG and a group of other hormones to help you get pregnant, according to the Mayo Clinic, but these needles have side effects.

 Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome:

When you get HCG injections as an aid to pregnancy and infertility treatment, it puts you at risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. The Mayo Clinic reports that more than 25% of those women who use the IVF experience a mild form of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, but it usually resolves after a week. The clinic believes that the syndrome can last for a longer period. During this period, you may experience symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, a feeling of breast tenderness, and more serious symptoms may appear, which are breathing problems, severe abdominal pain, change in the color of urine, and other treatments that require you to medical intervention.

 Breast problems

Because HCG is a pregnancy-related hormone, you may experience breast-related problems when taken as an injection. You may then feel breast tenderness or unexplained breast pain that results in a breast lump. When these side effects appear, you need to consult a doctor about the procedures that you need to take.

 overweight :

You may notice a slight weight gain when taking HCG injections and this occurs due to fluid retention. Women can experience swelling and edema all over the body, allowing you to gain weight. Although it is a slight weight gain that occurs with the use of fertility treatments, you can monitor your weight to prevent excessive weight gain.

 Depression :

HCG injections add an extra volume of the hormone in the body. Hormones affect mood and psychological state. This hormone causes feelings of emptiness and despair, which are symptoms of depression. In addition, the injection of the hormone causes a state of insomnia and irritability and the side effects associated with it usually stop when you stop taking the injection

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