8 foods rich in calcium

Calcium is one of the most important minerals necessary for human health, which requires about 1000 mg of it daily. Its importance lies in that it works to build and strengthen bones and arrest nerve signals. The body naturally stores more than 99% of calcium in the bones and teeth, while the remaining percentage is stored in the muscles, blood, and intercellular fluid. The growth stage in children and adolescents is linked to the body’s need for more calcium, noting that the percentage of calcium begins to gradually decrease in the body starting at the age of 40.



The most important natural foods rich in calcium are the following:

* Milk and its derivatives: Milk indisputably occupies the list of the richest sources of calcium, not only because it contains the highest percentage of calcium over other nutrients, but also because the lactose sugar and vitamin D in it also help ensure the maximum absorption of calcium, giving the body more nutritional value than anything else. In addition, dairy products such as cheese, labneh, and yogurt are considered foods rich in calcium.

* Leafy vegetables: which contain a high nutritional value of calcium, such as spinach, molokhia, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and cabbage.

* Raw nuts: such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, and cashews, which contain a good percentage of calcium.

* Fish: Calcium is found in high levels in fish bones. You can eat sardines and some other fish with their bones, such as herring and canned salmon.

* Legumes: Black-eyed kidney beans are among the legumes that contain abundant amounts of calcium. In addition, calcium is available in citrus, beans, kidney beans, peas, lentils, and okra.

* Figs: Fresh and dried figs are considered rich sources of calcium, as eating 7 dried figs provides the amount of calcium equivalent to the amount we find in half a cup of milk.

* Molasses: Molasses contains a high percentage of calcium, but it is recommended to eat it in moderation as it is on the list of sugary foods.

* Seeds: Seeds generally contain abundant amounts of calcium. However, the most important seeds rich in this mineral are sunflower seeds (Syrian pulp), in addition to sesame seeds, which can benefit from their high nutritional value when eating tahini.

It is noteworthy that the body cannot absorb calcium if in return it receives about 600 international units of vitamin D, which is available in milk and egg yolks. Vitamin D can also be benefited from moderate and regular exposure to sun light daily.

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