Learn about the harmful effects of eating quickly

In this modern age, with its non-stop speed, it is difficult for many of us to adhere to healthy habits that protect us from many problems, the most important of which is chewing food slowly, comfortably, and effectively, and not eating it quickly and in succession, as its taste and benefit are lost.


A person loses a lot when he eats his food in a manner of succession and speed, as if he is in a race. He also loses many of the benefits that accrue to the body when he eats his food properly, as it may cause infections as a result of eating hot food quickly, which harms the stomach. He also exposes himself and his body to a permanent increase in fat and weight because he only benefits from the fat and fat of the food, and causes damage to his stomach. “His intestines suffer from a lot of discomfort and stress and he does not get the full benefit from the food.”


You must use a fork and a knife to eat your food, as this makes you more careful about the taste of food and more chewing it, and always make your psyche need to accept food and think about it differently, as it is not empty gluttony and filling bellies in vain, but rather keep your thinking focused on the beauty of its taste. Food, and how it takes some time to feel the beautiful taste it deserves

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