
Green coffee helps lose weight

Green coffee helps lose weight

Green coffee helps lose weight








A team of researchers has found that green coffee beans, or those that have not been roasted, secrete substances that help reduce weight in a short period.




Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania explained in their research conducted on a group of obese people who consumed less than an ounce of green coffee beans daily, that they lost about 10% of their total weight.

This comes at a time when researchers believe that taking tablets of unroasted coffee bean extracts daily while following a low-calorie and low-fat diet and continuing to exercise regularly is a safe, effective and inexpensive solution to losing excess weight.

The research was conducted on 16 obese and morbidly obese people, aged between twenty-two and twenty-six years, who drank a drink made from green coffee bean extracts, while others drank a fake drug, for about 22 weeks.

Follow-up indicated that people who regularly took green coffee bean extracts succeeded in losing 17 pounds compared to people who took a fake drug.

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