





Scleroderma or scleroderma means hardened or hardened skin. This disease is an autoimmune disease, as it causes hardening and hardening of the skin as a result of excessive production of collagen, which is the protein that (when present in normal quantities) gives the skin its strength and elasticity. In some patients, damage to internal organs also occurs.


If skin involvement is widespread throughout the body as a result of excessive collagen production, the disease is then called systemic sclerosis or diffuse sclerosis. It affects approximately one in every two thousand people, and it affects women at a rate three times higher than men, and it affects blacks more than it affects whites.





There are two main types of sclerosing damage: limited and widespread.


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It makes the skin shiny and uncomfortably tight on the face and fingers. Severe atrophy of the sweat glands and hair follicles also occurs in the affected areas, causing the skin to become dry and almost hairless. Alkhozb uncompromising limited improving in some cases automatically . It is accompanied in almost all cases by what is called Raynaud’s phenomenon, which is a painful condition in which blood flow in the hands and feet is narrowed, making them sensitive to heat and cold.


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It is the most dangerous type, as it affects one or more of the major internal organs (such as the arteries, kidneys, and lungs) in addition to the skin. Raynaud’s phenomenon is present in almost all cases, and can result in life-threatening complications.


When atherosclerosis infects the blood vessels of the kidneys, it can cause a very high blood pressure and kidney damage. Respiratory problems that are common in the case of widespread atherosclerosis cause shortness of breath and increase the susceptibility to pneumonia.


Stomach and intestinal disorders often occur, such as severe heartburn, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. Difficulty swallowing may also occur due to esophageal fibrosis.

Treatment options


Sclerotinia is a condition that can be serious, requiring close medical attention.

The changes that occur in the skin, in addition to the characteristic symptoms, often make the diagnosis clear.

in some cases, blood tests are used . A skin sample is also taken for examination to confirm the diagnosis.

Doctors use specialized methods to control the relatively minor symptoms of atherosclerosis. For example, eating small meals helps reduce gastrointestinal problems, and taking drugs to dilate the arteries can help alleviate Raynaud’s phenomenon.


If the disease is more severe (for example, if the hands begin to become deformed or if internal organs become severely damaged due to increased thickening of tissue) penicillamine may help prevent further skin thickening and organ damage in some people. Corticosteroid drugs can reduce swelling, but do not generally slow the progression of the disease.


Patients whose internal organs are not affected within the first few years after diagnosis usually have the less severe type of disease. About 3% of patients with atherosclerosis die prematurely.

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