Do you drink water before or after eating is very important

Is it possible to completely avoid drinking water with food? Because the body meets its water need from the types of food it eats. Milk, for example, contains 88% of its weight in water, and the same applies to other foods.


However, if the food is dry and limited to bread, cheese, and meat, the stomach can be helped by drinking some liquids or water, provided that the amount does not exceed one cup of water. Because drinking a lot of fluids with food leads to reducing the concentration of digestive juices and weakening their digestive effect, so their effect becomes slow, the digestion process is delayed, and the person feels heaviness and abdominal bloating, due to the frequent formation of gases.




People who have a tendency to obesity and obesity are advised not to drink while eating; Because this works to slow down the process of burning carbohydrates and turning them into fats, instead of burning them completely, which generates heat and activity in the body.


Regarding weight loss; Experts advise drinking (2-5) cups of water between each meal to increase the secretion of the hormone noradrenaline, which increases the activity of the nervous system, and thus activates the fat burning process, which helps in getting rid of excess weight.


Nutrition experts advise drinking water outside meal times, away from the digestion process. Drinking iced water – especially – during meals negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system, and hinders digestive stomach secretions, and thus confuses and delays the digestive process and leads to a feeling of heaviness and excessive gas. Slowing down the digestion process often leads to obesity. Where food turns into layers of fat instead of burning in the event of good digestion, giving activity and energy.


This is why doctors recommend drinking water between two meals or about an hour before eating, that is, after the stomach has done its job and finished digesting the foods inside it.


When you feel thirsty while eating, you can drink small doses of water at close intervals to ensure the regularity of the digestive process and not disturb it by drinking too much water while eating. It is preferable to drink a glass of water early in the morning. Where the stomach is empty; So that its wall absorbs water quickly and efficiently; To wash the kidneys in less than an hour, and rid the body of its toxins.

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