Eating dairy and bananas protects against obesity

Eating dairy and bananas protects against obesity










Studies whose results were presented during the European Conference on Obesity, which ends today in Sofia, showed that eating dairy and almonds in reasonable quantities, as well as eating meals without psychological pressure, are factors that help in avoiding weight gain.



Researchers in a Spanish study confirmed that people who ate dairy twice a day were less likely to be obese. These results were confirmed by a Bulgarian study conducted in the Balkan countries, a region whose population is known to consume large quantities of dairy.



Some low-fat products contain more calories than regular products because they contain larger amounts of sugar compared to regular products, according to the Institute for Studies on Obesity in Rotherham in Britain.



Spanish researchers at the University of Navarro recommend adopting a combination of the “Mediterranean diet” based especially on the consumption of vegetables, olive oil and fish, and eating large amounts of dairy.



American researchers from Purdue University also recommended eating almonds (up to 43 grams per day) instead of snacks.



The authors of a Dutch study from Maastricht University focused on the positive effect of drinking green tea.



In addition, researchers recommended that parents not quarrel in front of their children, especially during meals. Three cross-sectional studies have concluded that the psychological stress caused by these quarrels, leading to divorce, contributes to people becoming overweight and obese.



The Institute of Public Health in Oslo noted that “obesity appears more frequently in children whose parents are divorced and separated

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