6 Habits That Cause Teeth to Stain by Negatively Affecting Oral Health

Teeth that look like pearls are the most basic sign of good oral hygiene. Smiling is one of the first things people pay attention to. However, if your teeth are not white enough, you can be pulled while laughing. Many reasons, such as smoking, poor oral care, and unhealthy eating can cause teeth to turn yellow over time. On the other hand, the cause of this problem is not just the oral care routine. Even people who regularly brush their teeth may experience staining. Whitening teeth although there are many ways, mistakes made in daily life can lead to the formation of spots again. Why do teeth lose their shine? In this list, we have put together some habits that can cause teeth spotting.


1. Frequent consumption of carbonated drinks


Carbonic acids found in carbonated beverages such as soda do not seriously damage the teeth. But if the drink is flavored, it may contain additives that damage the tooth enamel. When the tooth enamel is damaged, the teeth become more open to staining. For this reason, you should prefer healthier drinks instead of flavored carbonated drinks.


2. Using sauce at every meal


We all know how sauces add flavor to the main dish. Each sauce beautifies the taste of a different dish and offers a visual feast on the plates. However, consuming these sauces in excess can negatively affect dental health. Soy sauce, in particular, is famous for its teeth yellowing. It can even make toothpastes less effective.


3. Drinking a lot of tea and coffee during the day


A hot cup of coffee helps you start your day faster. However, when you do this every day, the brightness of your teeth may disappear. When high-pigmented beverages such as coffee and tea are consumed frequently, your teeth can become stained very quickly. In addition, consuming these drinks too hot can damage tooth enamel. At the same time, consuming these drinks in a very cold environment can cause microcracks in tooth enamel. This significantly increases the risk of experiencing tooth sensitivity.


4. Using oral water every day

Mouth care water helps keep your breath fresh for longer while avoiding dental problems. But using these products too often can damage your teeth. Most oral care water contains chlorhexidine gluconate. This can cause the intraoral flora to deteriorate over time. Therefore, the chance of staining on the teeth increases.


5. Using the toothbrush too hard


The most basic way to maintain oral hygiene is to brush your teeth regularly. Contrary to popular belief, brushing your teeth too hard does not mean that your teeth will be cleaner. If you brush your teeth too hard every day, you can wear tooth enamel over time. This makes your teeth more sensitive and can increase the risk of spotting.


6. Not drinking enough water


Drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. You can rinse your teeth by consuming water at certain intervals during the day. This way, you can keep your teeth white longer.

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