
Everything you want to know about stomach cancer symptoms and treatment methods

Everything you want to know about stomach cancer symptoms and treatment methods

Stomach cancer is one of the fastest spreading types of cancer in the body. It can develop in any part of the stomach and from there spread to other parts of the body such as the liver and lungs. The exact cause of cancer is unknown, as cells begin to multiply uncontrollably on their own and form As a tumor, cells from the tumor may separate from their original location and spread to the lymph nodes or through the bloodstream to other parts of the body, according to what was published by the “doctor-ndtv” website.


What are the causes of stomach cancer?



Stomach cancer is more common among people who smoke or consume alcohol, and people with a family history of cancer are also at increased risk. Other factors such as low fruit and vegetable consumption, lack of stomach acid, and increasing age are known to contribute to the incidence.


What are the symptoms of stomach cancer?





The early symptoms of the disease are very vague and therefore may not be discovered until the disease is advanced. The most common symptom may be unexplained weight loss. Other symptoms may include:


Feeling of full stomach after meals


Actual flatulence after eating


Constant feeling of nausea


Heartburn or a burning feeling in the throat and stomach


Diarrhea or constipation


Weakness and fatigue


How is the diagnosis made?



The doctor takes the patient’s complete nutritional history before ordering a series of tests. A stool test may be performed to check for traces of blood.


X ray



Of the stomach, an upper gastrointestinal test called a barium meal, to check for any tumors or abnormal growths.




Gastroscopy In this procedure, a thin tube is inserted into the stomach to check for any tumors. The lining of the stomach is also examined well for any abnormalities. If cancer is suspected, a biopsy may have to be performed for confirmation. In this, a small portion of tissue is sent Tumor for laboratory testing.




What is the treatment for stomach cancer?



Three treatment methods are commonly used, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Surgery is usually performed to remove the stomach, called gastrectomy. In this procedure, the entire stomach is removed (total gastrectomy) or the affected part is removed. If the entire stomach is removed, the doctor connects the food tube directly to the small intestine and the patient has to eat a diet. rate for the rest of his life.




If the cancer has spread to other areas of the body, chemotherapy may be performed. Anti-cancer drugs are given in doses to kill cancer cells. If the cancer recurs after surgery, radiotherapy is performed, where cancer cells in a specific area are killed by deep rays.




Gastrectomy is a major surgery and the patient’s lifestyle changes for several days after surgery. The most common side effect of surgery is the so-called “dumping syndrome.” The patient may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dizziness after meals because food enters the intestine too quickly. This can be resolved by By eating small but frequent meals.




Side effects of chemotherapy may include fatigue, hair loss, and increased susceptibility to infection. The patient may also bruise easily. Radiation therapy may destroy nearby healthy cells. The patient’s movements may be restricted until healing is complete.

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