
Benefits of a steam bath for the face

Steam bath

Benefits of a steam bath for the face

The benefits of a facial steam bath are to increase blood circulation in the skin and work to lighten the pores to get rid of the largest possible amount of oily secretions, excess fluids, and harmful substances to the skin. And to reach the best results during the steam bath, the following must be taken into account:

Steam bath


– Before using the steam bath, the face must be thoroughly washed, cleaned, and traces of make-up removed… Then the hair of the head should be covered with a bonnet to prevent steam from leaking into it.

– After completing the steam bath, the duration of which ranges from 10 to 15 minutes … the face is completely dried, then creams or masks that nourish the skin are placed on it directly. If there is no need for those masks, the face is washed with cold water.

If the skin has any infections, acne, or colored spots, then medication or special paints should be used to treat such cases immediately after completing the steam bath, where all the pores are open.. and she is fully prepared to accept such therapeutic materials.

After removing the treatment materials, creams, or cosmetic masks, it is preferable to use a pore-tightening tonic so that the pores of the skin are closed as they were before the bath. Or use cold water or ice … After completing the previous steps, you must not apply any makeup materials, but leave the skin for a sufficient period to help it fully rest.

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