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5 tips that guarantee the treatment of hair loss for women within weeks - Care Beauty

5 tips that guarantee the treatment of hair loss for women within weeks

Today, we tell you about tips that guarantee the treatment of hair loss for women. You will notice its effect by reducing this problem within weeks, as well as restoring health and luster to its locks, and enhancing the strength and growth of its follicles.


Hair loss is one of the most prominent aesthetic problems that women suffer from, and if it is neglected, it will cause other problems, such as baldness, hair breakage, weakness and dullness. To avoid this, you must adhere to the application of the following tips.


Providing nutrients that are beneficial to hair


It is difficult for many women to treat hair loss for women, believing that the preparations intended for that are sufficient, but ensuring their effectiveness is by providing the body with nutrients important for hair growth and treating weak follicles that cause hair breakage, such as iron, vitamin E and biotin, and among the important foods in this context are grains, vegetables Paper and fish.




Here, we stress the need to conduct blood tests that show what nutrients you are severely deficient in, in order to replace them with foods and nutritional supplements if necessary.


Live a healthy lifestyle


Bad lifestyle habits, such as staying up late, lethargy, eating unhealthy foods, and smoking, cause many aesthetic problems, most notably hair loss. Hence, the need to completely refrain from practicing it, and to live a healthy lifestyle.


Take advantage of the properties of natural oils


Use natural oils that treat hair problems, especially those that strengthen the follicles and promote their growth, such as castor oil and coconut oil, whether by adding a few drops of them to the shampoo, or by massaging your scalp with it 3 hours before taking a shower.


Reducing the use of thermal styling tools


Thermal styling tools destroy hair health, and it is one of the most common causes of hair loss. If you want to solve this problem, you must stop using it during the period during which you treat it.


Scalp massage


It is a very important step, as it enhances blood circulation in this area, thus allowing the distribution of hair nutrients found in hair care products or oils that you use, to penetrate deeply and strengthen the follicles.