the risk factors for the development of breast cancer

Professor Alexander Siryakov, an oncologist, declared that the main factor in the development of breast cancer is heredity.


In an interview with “Izvestia” newspaper, the professor points out that the risk factors for the development of breast cancer in women are first heredity, then age, abortions, obesity, chronic stress and many other factors.


According to him, there are currently about 15 known genetic mutations that make women predisposed to breast cancer. Among these are the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 gene mutations, CHEK2, NBS1 that are usually checked for at first.


He says: “In other cases called sporadic, that is, random often affect the development of breast cancer – poor environmental conditions and poor production of female sex hormones (progesterone and estrogen), hormonal disorders, age over 40 years, miscarriage, severe chronic stress, obesity, lack of physical activity, Bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol) and a number of other factors.


And the professor recommends, as a precautionary measure, to exclude all these factors. And women who carry the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 genes should not neglect this and undergo ultrasound and x-ray examinations, as well as CT scans once a year, and see a gynecologist.

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