
Cucumber and orange are an effective remedy for oily skin

Cucumber and orange are an effective remedy for oily skin

Oily skin needs masks more than others, but no mask will benefit it.


Try these three masks, each of which has a different task, some of which give your skin freshness or…

Nourishes it or opens pores.






Orange and oatmeal mask

For this mask, you will need ½ cup of oats, juice of half an orange, a little glycerin and a small egg white.


Beat the egg white well, then add the oats, orange juice and glycerin until you get a light dough




Put them on your face ten minutes and then wash your face.

Glycerin moisturizes, eggs reduce wrinkles, and orange nourishes



With this mask, you will feel that your oily skin has become more youthful and fresh.


honey mask

The easiest way to make a honey mask is to dip your finger in hot water and then into a honey dish to spread the honey on your face

And your neck in a circular motion outward, avoiding the eye area because the skin is sensitive.

Leave the honey on

your skin for at least ten minutes until the pores of the skin absorb it, then wash your face with warm water and you will find it luminous

And bright as pearls.


Cucumber and milk mask

This mask is great for skin lightening, cleansing, skin tightening and getting rid of any traces of the sun.

Squeeze a fruit

Cucumber, then add to the juice an egg white and a little milk powder and rose water.

Mix all ingredients

To get a dough and then distribute it on your face and neck.


Leave it for ten minutes, then wash your face with lukewarm water, and you will find your skin moisturized and tight, regardless of your age.

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