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Bad habits slow down the loss of belly fat.. Get to know them

Have you tried to get rid of stubborn belly fat but to no avail?

Certain lifestyle choices can make losing dangerous belly fat difficult, if not impossible. Visceral fat is linked to an increased risk of a variety of health problems, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome, high mortality, and in the next lines we will show you five habits that slow down the loss of belly fat, according to what was published by the “eatthis” website.


Sitting for a long time: We know that spending long periods of sitting is unhealthy and a risk factor for chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and similarly, the amount of fat that accumulates around our internal organs has also exposed us to these diseases. Monitoring physical activity, we showed that the more time spent sitting, the stronger the association with higher levels of internal and abdominal fat. This was especially true if long periods of sedentary behavior were uninterrupted. Complicated than just the calories in it, eating calories, eating more than you burn will slow down fat loss, if you want to lose weight, consuming fewer calories than you burn daily will help you reach your goal, eat 500 to 1000 calories Less than you burn daily to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests. For example, if your calorie requirement to maintain weight is 2,400 calories per day, aim for 1,400 to 1,900 calories per day to shed pounds safely and effectively.

Lack of sleep Not getting enough sleep (less than seven hours per night for healthy adults) slows abdominal weight loss. Our findings show that lack of sleep, even in young, healthy and relatively thin people, is associated with increased intake of Calories, a very slight increase in weight, and a significant increase in the accumulation of fat inside the abdomen.


The Wrong Kind of Exercise When it comes to burning belly fat, experts recommend regular aerobic exercise. If you are overweight, and want to lose belly fat, exercise is the best option because it burns more calories.



Smoking Multiple studies have shown that smoking can lead to an increase in visceral fat. Tobacco affects fat distribution through hormones such as cortisol that increase abdominal fat deposition. In women, nicotine has an anti-estrogenic effect which also helps collect abdominal fat.

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