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Sources of progesterone for your body and its importance and everything you need to know

The sources of progesterone for your body and its importance that every woman who suffers from a deficiency of this hormone asks about, because progesterone is one of the main female hormones in the woman’s body and is responsible for reproductive health and is produced in the body naturally. In a smaller amount through the adrenal gland or the placenta, and this hormone has a great role in preparing the lining of the uterus to receive the fertilized egg with the sperm and the occurrence of pregnancy and the strengthening of the uterine lining to help the development of the fetus throughout the months of pregnancy, but in the absence of fertilization of the egg, the proportion of this hormone decreases due to the decomposition of the gland temporary and is eliminated through the menstrual cycle.


The importance of progesterone to your body


The importance of this hormone to the body is as follows:


Maintaining and stabilizing the lining of the uterus in order to provide a safe environment for the fetus throughout the months of pregnancy. This hormone helps in the development of the fetus throughout pregnancy. It also stops the production of eggs from the ovary in the event of fertilization of the current egg and pregnancy. It strengthens the muscles of the uterus to prepare the woman for childbirth. Stimulates breast tissue Responsible for milk secretions to complete lactation. Sources of plant progesterone


There are many sources that can increase the level of progesterone in the blood, including:


Whole grains: A good proportion of progesterone can be obtained through whole grains that give the body the hormone progesterone. Colored peppers, oranges, etc. Flaxseeds: contain a high proportion of progesterone and are one of the foods that are considered a substitute for animal progesterone. Foods rich in carotene: including basil, spinach, turnips. Sweet potatoes: one of the most types of foods that contain a proportion of High in progesterone, which increases the proportion of this hormone in the body dramatically. Coffee: Several studies have proven that drinking coffee twice a day raises the level of progesterone in the blood. Foods rich in zinc: contain a good proportion of progesterone and help stimulate ovulation Including: cashews, beans, chickpeas and almonds. Foods that contain vitamin B: including spinach, bananas, potatoes, chickpeas and tuna. Animal sources of progesterone for your body


There are some animal sources from which progesterone can be obtained, including:


Meat: The hormone progesterone is found in red meat, especially in veal, so it is recommended to eat red meat once a week, and avoid eating meat that contains fat. White meat: such as poultry, turkey, but the skin should be removed from poultry to avoid any health problems. Fish: It is one of the sources of progesterone in a safe way, including oyster fish, which is recommended to be eaten two or three times a week. Milk and eggs products: which contain a large proportion of the hormone progesterone, and it is advised to be careful to eat them once a day.

How do I raise progesterone with herbs?


Among the sources of progesterone for your body that can be obtained through herbs include:




It is one of the wonderful herbs that control the level of hormones in the body in general. It is one of the wonderful herbs that treat sugar, especially since it contains antioxidants. Several studies have shown that eating a large proportion of dill is a reason to increase the hormone progesterone and improve reproductive health. Dill weed is safe and does not cause any health damage or side effects.


Sichuan Lomag


These herbs are known in Chinese medicine to regulate the level of hormones and increase the proportion of progesterone, and these herbs are better than hormone therapy.


pharmacological forms of progesterone


In the event of failure to increase the proportion of progesterone in the body from natural sources, some medical drugs are used, which are as follows:


Available in the form of a gel or gel to be applied to the vaginal area.Oral pills.Suppositories that contain progesterone.


However, progesterone medications should not be taken without consulting a specialized doctor to avoid the risk of any health symptoms.


Tips to help raise the level of progesterone


After identifying the sources of progesterone for your body and its importance, you should follow this set of tips, including:


Try to reduce stress and agitation as much as possible, by practicing yoga and other exercises, because stress increases the secretion of cortisol, which reduces the hormone progesterone in the body. Between 7 to 9 hours. Maintaining a healthy weight and getting rid of excess weight in the body. A specialist doctor can be consulted about appropriate nutritional supplements and sources of obtaining progesterone in a safe way. Natural progesterone ratio


For every woman who wants to know the natural proportion of progesterone, the proportion of this hormone varies in her body from time to time and is as follows:


The normal rate of this hormone in the body in menopausal women and men is about 1 nanogram per ml or less. As for women in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the rate is between 5 to 20 nanograms / ml. Pregnant women in the first months are between 11.2 To 90 ng / ml. For women in the second period of pregnancy, which is from the fourth to the sixth month, the rate is 25.6 to 89.4 ng / ml. As for pregnant women in the last trimester, the rate is between 48.4 to 42.5 ng / ml.

Progesterone and pregnancy When a woman becomes pregnant, the gonads in the placenta produce progesterone to prevent menstruation. Progesterone production continues throughout pregnancy and increases in proportion to nourish the fetus. After 10 weeks of pregnancy the placenta secretes a greater amount of progesterone and continues to increase This hormone is one of the basic hormones that help the woman’s body to accept the foreign DNA of the fetus. It also helps to relax the muscles of the uterus, reduces the occurrence of contractions for the pregnant woman and protects her from miscarriage. That is why the doctor resorts to giving the pregnant woman progesterone supplements in The case of discovering a lack of production in her body. The doctor also explains to the woman the sources of progesterone in your body and its importance in order to try to obtain it from natural sources. Does pregnancy occur with low progesterone?


If the level of progesterone is excessively low, it is difficult to get pregnant, and if pregnancy does occur, the woman is highly prone to miscarriage.


That is why those who suffer from low progesterone should pay attention to increasing its percentage in their body if they want to go through a healthy pregnancy period.


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