6 reasons behind numb hands during sleep and tips to stop the problem

Unexplained numbness in your hands during sleep may be an unpleasant symptom of waking up. But there is usually cause for concern if these are your only symptoms. This is likely due to nerve compression due to your wrong sleeping position. If you feel numbness in your hand, it is most likely due to compression of the ulnar or median nerves, or because of sleeping on your hand for a long time, stroke and other other causes that we will list and clarify in this article, as we will clarify some tips that help you get rid of From numbness of the hands during sleep, such as taking B vitamins, changing your sleeping position, and doing some exercises that work to strengthen your muscles.


However, if you have numbness or tingling in your hands along with any other unusual symptoms. Like numbness elsewhere, make an appointment with your healthcare provider to find out the cause and treat it.


The most prominent causes of numbness of the hands during sleep: 1. Sleeping on your hand for a long time:


You are likely to feel arm tingling or tingling if you sleep on it for a long time, your body will increase pressure on your nerves and disrupt blood circulation in your arm, especially if you are sleeping in the wrong position. Your arm sends signals to your brain or perceives signals from your brain, so you may feel numbness or tingling in your hands during sleep until blood circulation returns to normal.


2. Ulnar nerve entrapment:


Prolonged pressure on the ulnar nerve in your arm interferes with nerve function and leads to numbness of the hands. When you sleep with a flexed elbow pressing on the ulnar nerve, and therefore when you wake up, you feel tingling and numbness in your hands. It is not always possible to determine the cause of ulnar nerve entrapment, but the main cause of this The condition is elbow swelling, which may result from many reasons, including a broken arm, abscesses, or arthritis.


3. Stroke:


Statistics show that one in seven strokes occur when the patient sleeps. As a stroke occurs as a result of obstruction of blood flow to the brain. This blockage may result from bleeding in one of the cerebral arteries or a blockage in any artery that supplies blood to the brain.


Symptoms of a stroke, including slurred speech, headache, tingling or numbness in the hands, especially during sleep, and feeling confused, should seek medical attention immediately if the feeling of tingling in your hands is accompanied by these symptoms of a stroke.


4. Carpal tunnel syndrome “pressure on the median nerve”


Pressure on the median nerve, this nerve is responsible for feeling sensations for the fingers, as it is responsible for your ability to flex the muscles of the forearm and hand that enables you to carry an object between the index finger and thumb, so when any pressure occurs on the median nerve, this leads to a feeling of pain in the fingers and hand And the forearm, and one of the first symptoms of it is the feeling of numbness in the fingers of the hand, especially during numbness, and in the advanced stages the tingling and numbness extends to the forearm and sometimes to the shoulder.


Some tips that can help you get rid of numb hands during sleep: Avoid sleeping in the fetal position. Sleeping on your arms and elbows can put more pressure on your nerves, causing numbness and tingling during sleep and upon awakening. If you sleep on your stomach, try to keep your arms to the sides, And not sleeping on them. It is preferable to sleep with your arms on your sides instead of over your head, as sleeping with your arms above your head can cause numbness and tingling by cutting off blood circulation to your hands. It is also advised to avoid folding your arms under your pillow during sleep, as the weight of your head can put pressure on your wrists Of course, it’s hard to control your body’s movements when you’re asleep, so you might need some extra help, if you’re having trouble keeping your elbow or wrists straight all night, you can try wearing a brace while you’re sleeping. sleep. This will prevent your elbows or wrists from moving. After a few weeks of use, your body may begin to adjust to this new position, and you can forgo wearing this brace while you sleep. Make sure your diet is rich in vitamin B. Leafy green vegetables, potatoes, bananas, and tuna provide this vitamin. Take anti-inflammatory medications to relieve symptoms of tendinitis or carpal tunnel. You can take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil before bed. Drink ginger tea to promote blood circulation. Fill your bath with water and ice cubes and dip your hands in them. Eliminate acidic drinks and salt from your diet. Stay hydrated by drinking at least two liters of water a day. Drink artichokes to prevent fluid retention. Do exercises that strengthen your arms, shoulders and neck.

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