
7 Bad Habits That Accelerate Aging by Negatively Affecting Skin Health

7 Bad Habits That Accelerate Aging by Negatively Affecting Skin Health


Every age has its own beauty. However, it is useful to sit crookedly and speak correctly. Nobody wants to age earlier and look older than they are. Everyone wants their skin to look brighter and their face to look younger. But some bad habits can accelerate aging, even if you don’t realize it. Of course, no one stays young forever. However, delaying the signs of aging is in your hands. While many people have bad habits, regularly making bad choices can have devastating long-term consequences. Let’s examine together what are the bad habits that accelerate aging.

1. Drinking alcohol frequently


Alcohol, when consumed in moderation, does not affect the body negatively. However, frequent consumption of alcohol causes the body to become dehydrated. This causes the skin to lose moisture, resulting in faster appearance of symptoms such as wrinkles. On the other hand, consuming too much alcohol damages your liver, preventing the body from producing enzymes and proteins.

2. Using a straw


Dr Debra Jailman says it’s okay to use a straw occasionally, but using a straw regularly can cause wrinkles around the mouth. Similarly, since the same mouth movement is made while consuming cigarettes, the mouth circumference of people who consume a lot of cigarettes starts to wrinkle faster.

3. Looking at too many screens

plastic surgeon Alexis Parcells; He says that looking at a phone, tablet or computer for a long time causes unnatural wrinkles, especially around the neck. Additionally, people tend to frown when looking at these devices. This causes wrinkles in the eye area and forehead area over time. If you are dealing with technological devices a lot, make sure to keep the devices at eye level.

4. Not using sunscreen

There is no one who does not know that we need to be protected from the harmful rays of the sun. Although we know that the sun causes skin spots and wrinkles, we often neglect to use sunscreen. Not using sunscreen results in the appearance of dark spots on the skin in the medium and long term. In addition, the sun’s rays can cause the decrease of collagen in the skin and cell destruction. Experts draw attention to the importance of using sunscreen not only in summer but also in winter.

5. Washing the face incorrectly

One of the most important stages of the skin care routine is washing the face every day. However, the face should not be washed with hot water. Hot water can dry out your skin and cause premature wrinkles to appear.

6. Staying Still


During the coronavirus pandemic, most of us have become accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle. However, a sedentary lifestyle is one of the most important factors that negatively affect general health. A sedentary lifestyle not only increases the risk of diseases such as heart attack, diabetes, and depression. It also causes cells to age faster. Do not forget to exercise at least 3 or 4 days a week for your general and skin health.

7. Consume less water


Most people do not drink water without feeling thirsty. But for the health of organs and skin, at least 8 glasses of water should be consumed per day. When the body is dehydrated, your skin starts to dry and crack. On the other hand, dehydrated skin tends to wrinkle faster. Studies show that you need to consume more water as you get older

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