5 Banana Masks for All Skin Types


5 Banana Masks for All Skin Types

Natural skin masks prepared with vegetables and fruits are much more effective than masks containing chemical products. Not only us, but also our readers who make natural masks, often express this… Do you know that you can apply the vitamins in foods as a mask to your skin more effectively? We will recommend you economical and effortless skin masks recipes for skin care. Our agenda in this article will be the masks made with banana!

Banana mask has often been brought up by Suna Dumankaya and other beauticians. Banana mask has effects that remove acne and wrinkles and make the skin look better. If you want to delay aging and look younger; Let’s introduce you to banana masks.

With the benefits of potassium-containing banana mask, it protects the skin of many people from harmful substances. It cleans dead cells and supports cell renewal. Combination masks with bananas and a banana peel mask were proposed in these lines. What you are looking for skin care now, you will learn here with the difference of minerals in bananas. Skin care is not negligible, you can always stay young!

How to Make a Banana Mask? 5 Regenerating Masks For A Glamorous Skin

1) Refreshing Banana Mask for Tired Skin


1 medium banana

1 tablespoon of yoghurt

2 tablespoons of honey


The yoghurt, banana honey mask that carries the secret of a healthy skin is not only for the face area; It is effective for all your skin.

In order to benefit from this mask, it is recommended to mix the ingredients well and get the consistency of a cream.

Apply the mask to your makeup-free skin and wait for about 20 minutes.

Honey, yogurt and banana will revitalize your dry skin and at the same time provide moisture. Thus, dead cells will be easily cleaned.

You can get the most effective results by trying it once a week.

2) Banana Mask Removes Blackheads and Pimples


1 mashed banana

1 teaspoon of turmeric

Half a teaspoon of baking soda


All the useful ingredients you are looking for to eliminate acne come together in this mask recipe.

While turmeric easily cleanses the inflammation on the skin; baking soda also allows the dead skin to be removed.

Banana, on the other hand, provides moisture to your renewed skin and helps you look better.

When you want to make skin care with the ingredients at home, it will be enough to mix all the ingredients and apply them to your face.

After leaving the mask on your skin for 10 minutes, you can wash your face with warm water.

Do not forget that you need to apply regularly for the most effective results!

3) Banana Mask Bringing Shine to the Skin


1 tablespoon of milk

1 teaspoon of lemon juice

Half a banana


Over time, your skin may look bad due to oil and dirt. To prevent this negative situation, you should purify your skin with natural masks.

The mask we recommend to help you in this regard will be very useful for you.

Crush the banana and add the lemon juice and milk.

Stir it until it has a creamy consistency.

Apply this mask on your washed skin and start to wait for 15 minutes.

When you wash your skin with warm water after 15 minutes, you will instantly notice the fresh look on your skin.

4) Banana Mask Moisturizing Dry Skin


Half a glass of oats

1 teaspoon of honey

1 banana

1 egg yolk


Banana egg mask, which will refresh dry skin, is even more effective than many creams.

To try this mask, which has the effect of repairing the skin of those living in cold regions and protecting it from the wind; first soak the oats in lukewarm water.

When it softens, it will mix with the ingredients.

Mash the banana in a bowl and add the boiled oats to the banana. Make a mixture of all the ingredients by adding the egg yolk and honey.

Now, free your skin from makeup and apply the mask.

You can set the dwell time of this mask as 20 minutes.

At the end of the last 20 minutes, you will have forgotten the pallor of your skin.

Because with this mask, color and vitality will come to your skin.

5) Banana Mask Tightening Pores


1 teaspoon of orange juice

1 banana

1 teaspoon of natural yogurt


The pores must be tight to maintain skin health.

The risk of acne and inflammation on skin with tight pores is very low.

You can now take action to tighten the pores by applying this effective mask that we share with you.

Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl and rub on your skin with your fingers.

You can apply it to your skin like peeling.

Don’t forget to keep the mask on your skin for 20 minutes. You can try this mask once a week.

It is recommended to apply at regular intervals to see the effects in the best way.

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