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4 causes of bad breath and tips to deal with it - Care Beauty

4 causes of bad breath and tips to deal with it

Eating a lot of spices and smelly foods such as garlic and hot peppers are among the most prominent causes of bad breath, and the reason is that they are absorbed into the bloodstream and until they leave our body completely, they can affect our breath. That is why you may have noticed that even if you brush your teeth after If you eat these foods, their aroma and taste will linger in your mouth.


Not brushing and flossing your teeth daily, these two activities are more important than we realize, as they remove small food particles that get stuck in our mouths, and these particles will accumulate and begin to decompose in our mouths, which is something that would create a bad smell, and also, If you don’t brush your teeth regularly, plaque forms, which can cause gingivitis. This problem is called periodontitis, and it can lead to bad breath if not treated.


Dry mouth occurs when saliva is not produced enough, and as a result, their mouths cannot sweep all the remaining food particles inside, so they get trapped there and begin to decompose, but this is not the only cause of dry mouth because different medications and mouth breathing Salivary gland disorders can also trigger the problem.


Infections and inflammations that appear in the mouth, nose, and tonsils can produce bad breath.


What are the important tips for treating bad breath?


Brush your mouth and teeth at least twice a day:

The first step is to maintain general oral hygiene, ideally brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing once.

Use mouthwash twice a day, and you should choose an antibacterial or antiseptic mouthwash that kills all the bacteria responsible for bad breath and gum disease.

Choose frankincense instead of mint after eating because it stimulates salivation, which means you will have a stronger defense against plaque acids, these acids are responsible for tooth decay and gum disease, and saliva keeps them away. Make sure they are sugar free.

Drink plenty of water to avoid dry mouth. One of the causes of bad breath in people is dry mouth. Drinking plenty of water during the day can help in this area by making sure your mouth stays moist at all times. This will also help with saliva production. Which is vital. Another thing you can do to produce more saliva is to start eating things that need a lot of chewing, like carrots and apples.