
Gastric Balloon

Gastric Balloon

Obesity in Turkey reached eerie figures, which coincided with about 30 percent of the population. In addition to diet to maintain our health, it is also possible to weaken with the application of stomach balloon. So who can make this practice?


According to the TC Ministry of Health, the ratio of those with a Body Mass Index above 30 ’ to the general population has reached an alarming figure of about 30 percent. In other words, one in every 3 people in Turkey is obese. Obesity is caused by a combination of many factors.

Turkey Hospital Obesity And Stomach Balloon Application Department. Dr. Mehmet Bayram Gastroenterology Specialist provided information on the subject.


The disease of our time is obesity especially the fast food industry fueled by the fast food habit and the fructose contained in the corn syrup used as a sweetener in these foods due to the very fast blood sugar height, rapid insulin discharge causes hunger again and the desire to eat 2nd or 3rd portions. The resulting excess calorie intake is directly related to obesity.


Obesity affects all systems and can cause serious damage to the body. Especially depression, sleep apnea, asthma, reflux, gallbladder stones, musculoskeletal damage, hypertension, hyperlipidemia (cholesterol and triglyceride height), insulin resistance, diabetes, polycystic ovary, etc, the increase in the incidence of breast-over-uterine and colon cancer are the main associated diseases.


Obesity is an important health problem and socioeconomic problem that concerns so many systems and organs and affects the quality of life. Diet, behavior modifications and appetite suppressant treatments are unfortunately rarely successful in the treatment of obesity.


Stomach Balloon: Intragastric balloons have long been used to provide early saturation in the treatment of obesity, along with dietary modifications and effective exercise programs. In this method, a silicone elastic balloon is placed endoscopically in the stomach and inflated.


The placement of these balloons in the stomach helps the person to lose weight by reducing food intake and being saturated with food earlier and less. With this process that helps to lose weight, it is absolutely necessary for the patient to adhere to his diet and continue to exercise. Because with the removal of the balloon, there may be a weight increase again in patients who do not maintain diet and exercise. Stomach in addition, the duration of stay varies in balloon varieties, and stomach balloon varieties are available that are inflated in increasing amounts at first to minimize side effects after balloon installation.




– Although the ideal balloon can be applied to anyone who wants to lose weight and who can tolerate endoscopy, the indications are


– BMI 30–39 kg/m2 patients with significant obesity-related health problems and who are unable to lose weight despite various weight control programs


– Morbidly obese (VKI 40 or BMI 35 and additional diseases) and patients who do not want to be operated on, who are afraid of the risks of surgery or who do not have anesthesia for a long time due to side problems


– BMI 40 and above with BMI 35 and obesity surgery in those with additional diseases, in order to reduce the complications and risk of death by lowering the patient to more optimal conditions by lowering the excess weight before orthopedic operations and other surgical operations, the Gastric Balloon cannot be applied to whom the (oni finger intestine) in the duodenum and ulcer in the stomach, which can be applied, It is not applied to individuals with a stomach hernia greater than 3 cm, having undergone stomach surgery and psychiatric disease.




Application to the patient with a much less risk than obesity surgeries.


– Performing the procedure in the endoscopy unit in 15-20 minutes under sedation anesthesia.


Absence of organ loss after the procedure.


The patient does not need hospitalization or intensive care.


Be able to start food intake immediately.


The ability of the stomach balloon to stay in the patient for 1 year.


– Patients can lose weight with a controlled weight of up to 10-50 kg with diet compliance in 30 years.


– To increase the volume of the balloon’s reserve by inflating in patients who are insufficient or who are unable to lose weight within one year or to install a new balloon to be inflated with high volume.


The cost of intragastric balloon application is much more affordable than obesity surgery






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