Women become more lustful for sex at this age



There is a common belief that women after reaching the age of 40 cannot have sexual intercourse, based on the information that a woman’s sexual desire decreases with age. This was denied by Dr. Heba Kotb, a sexual health consultant.


Qutb said during her hosting of the “Clearly” program, presented by the journalist Amr Al-Laithi, that a woman’s sexual drive increases after the age of forty, which makes her more willing to have an intimate relationship.


She explained that the sexual desire of women after the age of forty becomes more active, because women at this age stage have fewer tasks at home, including caring for children, so they have more free time.

The family relations consultant explained that a woman at this age takes advantage of her free time to take care of her body and health, in addition to increasing her need for love and care from her life partner, stressing that sex has nothing to do with age.

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In a previous study, researchers found that women between the ages of 27 and 45 had more sexual fantasies and had more sexual intercourse, according to WebMD.

According to the Harvard Health website, women after the age of forty can maintain their sexual health by following the following guidelines:


– Exercise regularly.

– Quit smoking.

– Avoid alcoholic drinks.

– Losing excess weight.

– Follow a healthy diet.

-Practice meditation and relaxation techniques, such as yoga and deep breathing exercises.

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