With the start of school – 5 ways to deal with your child’s fear of studying

In the following report, the Consulto reviews how to deal with a child’s fears about school, according to the Parents website.




Ways to deal with children’s fear of school

1- Speaking


The mother must talk to her child about the reasons why he feels afraid of school, while enjoying him well and trying to comfort him without reducing his fears.


2- Advance preparation for the school environment


The mother can prepare the child for the new school year by taking him to school before the start of school, to visit important places there, such as classrooms and playgrounds, so that he gets used to it and does not feel alienated and afraid when there .




3- Organizing daily lifestyle


Changing a child’s daily lifestyle, such as allocating time for sleeping, playing, and studying, may help him psychologically prepare for going to school, and also make him more able to deal with the daily challenges he may face during the school day.


4- Enhancing self-confidence


It is necessary for the mother to enhance the child’s sense of independence, by assigning him to perform some household tasks, because this has a positive impact on his psychological health, as it contributes to increasing his self-confidence, and thus reducing the feeling of fear of going to school.


5- Continuous communication with teachers


The mother must be in constant communication with the teachers and build a good relationship with them and seek to consolidate it, to check on the child’s rate of development in school, identify the problems he suffers from, and know the instructions that must be followed to Help him confront his fears.

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