
What are the benefits of psyllium seeds in losing weight and how can they be eaten?

What are the benefits of psyllium seeds in losing weight and how can they be eaten?

Psyllium seeds are known as psyllium husks, which are used as a laxative to facilitate the digestive system. It is the outer layer of the seeds of the oval plantain plant. Hence, it is said that these seeds can aid in weight loss, especially because they contain 8 times more soluble fiber than oats. In the following, discover all the details about the benefits of these seeds in losing weight.

Benefits of psyllium seeds for weight loss

1- The psyllium seeds help reduce appetite

One study showed that eating psyllium seeds and husks before breakfast and lunch may help relieve hunger, and eat less food during and between meals.

2- The psyllium seeds are rich in fiber

The psyllium seeds contain the fiber found in most vegetables and fruits themselves, but what distinguishes psyllium seeds is that they do not contain other nutrients such as sugar or fat, so they are the ideal way to help lose weight without adding any calories.


3- The psyllium seeds soften the intestines

Psyllium seeds are covered in a substance called mucilage that swells when exposed to water. This extra volume stimulates the movement of material through the intestines. In addition, the moist mucilaginous gum lubricates the lining of the intestines.

How to eat psyllium seeds for weight loss

You can eat psyllium seeds for weight loss after grinding them or whole in the morning, half an hour before food, and half an hour before dinner. You eat half a spoon with a large amount of water, which works to alleviate the symptoms of these seeds so that you do not suffer from side effects.

Is eating psyllium safe?


Pomegranate is one of the safest laxatives to use over a long period of time. It is widely considered by the traditional medical community to be very safe and effective when used in recommended doses to improve digestion. However, pregnant women, diabetics and children under the age of six should not use a pessary until after talking to a doctor. In rare cases, Pseudomonas can cause an allergic reaction.

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