
Tips to enjoy life despite the difficulties

Tips to enjoy life despite the difficulties

Enjoying your life is related to the mentality in which you view life, and is a reflection of your thoughts, actions and feelings of satisfaction and gratitude or not. While the majority miss the free time that allows us to climb mountain tops, and practice meditation sessions in nature and the desert in order to reach clarity of mind and relaxation, the best way to find happiness is to engage in practical and daily activities, aspiring to reach positive changes in our lives. Dr. Heba Ali, an expert in human development for Madam, says: Along with the conscious choice to commit to appreciating the people around you, and giving yourself space to do the things you love and excel in, small positive changes to your life add tremendously to your overall sense of enjoyment and happiness in your life.


* Ways to enjoy life


– Start your day with a smile

Your facial expressions are the window through which you feel inside your heart and body, but they can also positively influence your mood. So make sure that you smile freely and go, to ensure that your mood is optimistic and is ahead of life.

-Give yourself some rest


A proper rest period does not mean lying in front of the TV, but rather that you make some time dedicated to doing something special and different. Think of it as saying “thank you” to yourself, giving her a break, and a change of heart, even if it’s just a little time with your little ones in the living room and busy playing and nothing else.


Spend time with interesting people.


Your friends’ behavior is sure to make a huge impression on you. Make sure you spend your time with interesting, positive people; With the goal of inspiring yourself on how to live your life better.


-Keep a pet


Having a pet gives you love, companionship, and hours of enjoyment. For example, it lowers your blood pressure and risk of heart disease, increases your feelings of emotional stability and connectedness, and teaches you great lessons in empathy, care and concern for others.


I have a great interest in music


• Listening to music gives your mind great levels of imagination and a degree of self-knowledge. It also increases your morale and your sense of self-confidence, and relieves feelings of isolation and loneliness.

• In some cases, studies have demonstrated the ability of music to help individuals suffering from mental illness (dementia and insanity), as music gives them a significant degree of empowerment and confidence. Music therapy is also very beneficial for individuals who suffer from anxiety or depression.


* Tips to enjoy life


Focus on what is good in your life


Focus on what is good in your life.


This can take effort to do every day, especially when you are in distress.


Start your day with a grateful heart.


Because when we wake up in the morning, our mind is in a state of readiness to receive positive or negative thoughts as you feed it, and therefore take advantage of that and plant something positive that affects you throughout the day.


End your day with gratitude.


No matter what happened to you during the day, change your focus from the negativity of the day; So that you can sleep in peace and quiet.


Give attention and appreciation to others without expecting anything in return.


Show your love to someone else you met on the street, give a poor person, or pay an old lady a fare for transportation, or write some words of encouragement to your child and put them in the middle of the textbooks, as he goes to school in the morning.

This will simplify them and raise their morale, which is reflected on you, of course.


Don’t underestimate yourself:


Say positive words about yourself. You are a talented woman with multiple possibilities and talents, even if you are a housewife. You have played a great role in taking care of your husband’s affairs and taking care of your children and raising them.


Express your true feelings:


Any topic, even if others do not agree with you, and get rid of guilt always brings unhappiness, and learn to shake hands and tolerance in your relationships.

You don’t need a prestigious job; In order to get enthusiastic, you are the source of your own enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is like a torch that needs you; in order to burn it.

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