
These 5 habits lead to belly fat, try to stay away from them

These 5 habits lead to belly fat, try to stay away from them

The German Association for Nutrition reported, on Tuesday, that there are some wrong habits that lead to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, which is annoying for many.



Lack of sleep


Lack of sleep causes the body to produce more of the steroid hormone cortisol, which is responsible for food cravings, and to lower the level of cortisol, sleep for between 7 and 8 hours at night.


sweetened drinks


The large percentage of sugar in sweetened drinks increases the desire to eat, and drinking soft drinks is not a solution, because it also increases appetite, but it is better to replace these drinks with water.


Low-fat foods


German nutritionists have warned that foods labeled “low-fat” usually contain a lot of sugar.


They recommend replacing these foods with others that contain healthy fats such as nuts, avocados, eggs and fish.


It is worth noting that healthy fats have an anti-inflammatory effect, help reduce belly fat, protect vessels, and help with a feeling of fullness.


long sitting


Sitting for long periods slows metabolism and blood circulation, which inhibits fat-burning enzymes.


German experts recommend incorporating movement and activity during daily tasks, such as walking instead of riding transportation, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.


eating late


When you eat food shortly before bedtime, this stresses the stomach because it is busy with digestion, and it does not perform its tasks optimally.


Experts recommend not eating any food two hours before bed, so that fat does not accumulate in the abdominal area.

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