
The 6 best foods to strengthen the immune system

The 6 best foods to strengthen the immune system

The immune system is a complex network that works to maintain health by resisting the harmful effects of foreign bodies that enter the body. But there are some errors in nutrition that can weaken the immune system’s response. Therefore, it is necessary to eat foods that provide the nutrients the body needs to boost immunity and resist various diseases. In the following lines, we will learn about the best foods to boost the immune system.


1- Almonds


Almonds contain two important elements that strengthen immunity, which are manganese and vitamin E. Eating almonds provides the body with 37% of the body’s daily needs of these two elements.


2- Canned salmon


100 grams of salmon provides you with more than 100 percent of your daily need for vitamin D. This vitamin works to maintain the efficient functioning of many immune cells, and not getting enough increases the risk of various types of infections. Salmon also provides protein and omega-3s which further boost the strength of the immune system.


3- Cabbage or cabbage


One cup of cooked cabbage provides you with 45% of your daily need for folic acid. Folic acid stimulates the production of new immune cells when the body is attacked by a microbe or virus.


4- Cord


Good gut microbes make up a large part of the body’s defenses against unwanted germs. Yogurt provides 12 strains of these bacteria that work to build a barrier in the intestinal system against microbes that attack it.


5- Oatmeal


Oats contain a fiber called beta-glucan, which works to combat respiratory infections.


6- Wheat seeds


Wheat seeds contain a variety of nutrients such as vitamin E, folic acid, magnesium, and zinc, which are extremely important for supporting immune cells. Zinc in particular enhances the work of immune cells responsible for attacking viruses or bacteria.

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