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June 4, 2023 admin

The main sources of vitamin D

Vitamin D



Vitamins are elements that the body needs for normal growth and development, as vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which is the main material for building and forming bones, a deficiency in it may lead to bone diseases such as osteoporosis and rickets, and vitamin D plays a role in the nervous system And in the muscles and in the immune system, where vitamin D can be obtained through three ways, either through the skin, from the diet, or from supplements, as the body can manufacture vitamin D naturally after the body is exposed to sunlight, but excessive exposure to sunlight may lead to Skin aging and skin cancer, and in this article, we will talk about the most prominent sources of vitamin D.






The main sources of vitamin D






Vitamin D is the only element that the body produces when exposed to sunlight. More than 50% of the world’s population may not be exposed to enough sunlight and 40% of the American population suffers from a deficiency in vitamin D, because most people spend most of their time outdoors. The house and wear sunscreen when they go out, and the diet is also low in sources high in vitamin D, and sources rich in vitamin D:




Salmon. herring. Cod liver oil. swordfish. Raw mushrooms. Raw shiitake mushrooms. canned tuna yolk. Fortified cow’s milk. Fortified orange juice. Fortified breakfast cereal. The nutritional value of vitamin D sources The daily requirement for vitamin D is 800 international units, and this need can be met when taking the most prominent sources of vitamin D, and for people who are not exposed to enough sunlight, they should take approximately 1000 international units

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May 3, 2023 admin

Signs of vitamin D deficiency in the body

Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins and is also called the sunshine vitamin, as the body manufactures it when exposed to ultraviolet rays of the sun, and sunlight is the most important factor in the manufacture of vitamin D in the body through the skin.

Dr. Olesya Savelyeva revealed that rapid fatigue and brittle nails indicate a lack of vitamin D in the body.

She pointed out that vitamin D contributes to many important processes taking place in the body, and is responsible for mood stability and good health.

She explained: “Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble secosteroid (chemical compound) that can be produced in the body when exposed to sunlight or with foods. This vitamin is responsible for regulating the metabolism of minerals in the body and supporting the immune system, and is necessary for the growth and health of bones and the functioning of the heart. And blood vessels and to reduce inflammation as well as for the functioning of the thyroid gland and normal blood clotting.It also provides mood stability and a good state of health, “according to Russia Today.

She added: “Fatigue, depression, a weak immune system, weight gain, brittle nails and hair, excessive sweating, muscle weakness, sleep disturbances, rapid fatigue and mood swings are all signs indicating a lack of vitamin D in the body.”

And the doctor indicated that the body gets vitamin D with the foods and supplements that the person eats. The body also produces it when exposed to sunlight, as 15-30 minutes are sufficient to produce the body’s daily need of it.

Sources of Vitamin D

And she adds, “The most important sources of vitamin D are dairy products, mushrooms, fatty fish, and egg yolks. When you need to compensate for its deficiency, you must first consult a doctor who determines the appropriate dose of it.”

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