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May 9, 2023 admin

Inhaling polluted air increases the risk of depression

Long-term breathing of polluted air increases the risk of depression, according to two recent studies, adding to growing evidence of the impact of harmful pollution on mental health.


The first study, published last week in the journal Gamma Psychology, included a group of about 390 people in the UK who were followed for about 11 years, and the levels of pollution they were exposed to were studied based on their home addresses.


The researchers studied the levels of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO), which are polluting gases from fossil fuel power plants and road traffic.


PM2.5 is defined as particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less, and PM10 as a particulate matter with a diameter of 10 microns or less.


multiple pollutants


The researchers concluded that “long-term exposure to multiple pollutants is associated with an increased risk of depression and anxiety.”


“While air quality standards in many countries still far exceed the latest recommendations of the World Health Organization in 2021, more stringent pollution standards or rules should be defined,” the study authors said.


As for the second study, published Friday in the journal “Jama Open Network”, it focused on the effect of fine particles (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) on people over 64 years of age.


The study included 8.9 million people, including 1.5 million suffering from depression, and dealt with the impact of air pollution on suffering from depression at an advanced stage of life.


The study was based on a database from Medicare, a health insurance system for the elderly in the United States.


Strong link between pollution and depression


The result showed a strong link between pollution and depression, specifically by monitoring levels of particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide.


This link may be explained by the relationship observed between higher concentrations of pollutants and inflammation in the brain, according to the two studies.


“There is a strong link between inflammation and depression,” said Oliver Robinson, a professor of neuroscience and mental health at University College London who was not involved in the studies.


He explained that the results of the two studies “add to the growing evidence that we should be concerned about the effects of pollution on mental health, in addition to the more clear links between pollution” and respiratory diseases.

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May 9, 2023 admin

How can hair loss be treated?

Hair is an important aesthetic element in the outward appearance of all people. Keeping it healthy and strong depends on various factors such as age, genetics or nutrition. What is the ideal way to protect hair from falling out?


Hair loss is a common problem, with nearly 80 percent of men and half of women experiencing hair loss during their lifetime. Studies have shown that hair, like the rest of the body, needs many vitamins and nutrients in order to grow in good health and appear healthy and vibrant.


And when we cannot obtain the important components of hair in food daily, or the body’s consumption is much greater than the needs in certain cases, it is better to turn to nutritional supplements.


Hair loss can occur for many reasons, including genetics, aging, autoimmune diseases, hormonal changes, and stress. Also, some common types of hair loss include androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium caused by exposure to a traumatic event, great stress and stress, or the use of certain medications. According to what was published by the American (Medical News Today) website.


Healthy food for healthy hair


The body needs a lot of energy to make hair grow healthy and strong. Thus, not eating a balanced diet affects hair growth and its nature. For this reason, it is better to get vitamins and nutrients and follow a healthy diet that includes the vitamins and proteins needed for hair growth, such as eggs, fatty fish, prawns, various types of berries, avocados, citrus fruits, and others.

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May 1, 2023 admin

What is the relationship between cell phones and cancer?

The possible connection between cell phones and cancer is controversial. For many years, studies on cell phones and cancer have had mixed results, but there is currently no consensus on the degree of cancer risk.



The main concern with cell phones and cancer appears to be brain tumors associated with cell phone use. This, and some studies indicate that there has been a slight increase in the incidence of brain tumors since the seventies of the twentieth century, but cell phones were not used at that time.



Instead, this small increase is likely related to other factors, such as increased access to medical care and advances in diagnostic imaging.


So what have researchers learned about cell phones and cancer? Here is an overview of different studies:

One study included 420,000 cell phone users over a 20-year period, and the researchers found no evidence of a link between cell phones and brain tumors.


Another study revealed an association between cell phones and salivary gland cancer. However, only a few participants in this study had malignant tumors.


– Another recent study reported a slight increased risk of glioma, a certain type of brain tumor, for the highest number of cell phone users, but there was no overall increased risk of brain tumor.



After evaluating several studies on a possible link between cell phones and glioma and a benign brain tumor known as acoustic neuroma, members of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, agree that there is limited evidence that cell phone radiation is a carcinogenic agent. (carcinogenic). As a result, this group has classified radio wave electromagnetic fields as a possible carcinogen to humans.


However, the recent series of studies cannot explain the whole picture. It often takes several years between using a new cancer-causing agent, such as tobacco, and noticing an increase in cancer rates.


By this point, the time to detect increases in cancer rates directly caused by cell phone use is likely to be too short.



What’s the bottom line? No one knows at this time whether cell phones can cause cancer or not. Although long-term studies still exist, to this day there is no convincing evidence that cell phone use increases the risk of cancer.


So if you’re concerned about the possible link between cell phones and cancer, you can limit cell phone use, or use a loudspeaker or earphone to keep the cell phone’s antenna, which is the cell phone itself, away from your head.

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