Women with dry skin suffer from severe dryness of the skin, so they must constantly use moisturizing and softening masks. One of the best and most effective of these masks is the yeast mask with olive oil and honey. the components :- 1- spoon of yeast. 2- Two tablespoons of water. 3- Half a …
Cream for your beauty, your eyes, made by your hand
Today, in the Woman Magazine, we present to you an eye cream made by your own hands. It is very healthy. You can make it at home. It is very easy to apply it day and night for puffiness and remove dark circles under the eyes. Apply it and tell us the results. the components …
A proven mask to whiten the skin and clear it of impurities
We will show you, dear ones, a mask for whitening and clearing the skin with proven and proven results and with known and easy ingredients that are available in every home. Since we are in the summer season, this mask also helps to cool the skin, and soothe redness caused by sunlight for working women …