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May 17, 2023 admin

What are the possible causes of toothache?

According to, the pulp inside your teeth is a soft substance full of nerves, tissues, and blood vessels. The pulp nerves are among the most sensitive nerves in your body. When these nerves become irritated or infected with bacteria (abscess), it can cause severe pain.




What are the possible causes of a toothache?




-tooth decay .


Tooth abscess (a bacterial infection inside the center of the tooth).


Tooth fracture (tooth fracture).


Damaged filling.


Repetitive motions, such as chewing gum, grinding or gnashing your teeth, these motions can damage your teeth.


Infected gums.


Eruption (teeth coming out of the gums) or extraction of a tooth (such as a wisdom tooth).




What are the symptoms of a toothache?




– Toothache that may be sharp, pulsating, or continuous, and in some people, pain is produced only when pressing on the tooth (biting something).


Swelling around the tooth.


Fever or headache.


Foul-tasting discharge from the affected tooth.


Bad smell from the mouth.


If you experience difficulty breathing and swallowing along with the pain, contact your dentist immediately.


Some toothaches caused by the pain (but not from the inside) can improve without the need to visit the dentist. The pain caused by temporary irritation (redness) in the gums can go away within a few days. During this time, try not to chew the affected area. And eat soft foods, such as eggs and yogurt, and avoid sweets and very hot or very cold foods if the teeth are sensitive.




How do I treat a toothache at home?




For temporary relief of a toothache, you can do the following:




Rinse with warm salt water. Salt water can loosen debris between your teeth, acting as an antiseptic and reducing inflammation.


– cold compress. For swelling and pain, apply an ice cold compress wrapped in a towel to the painful area for 20 minutes. Repeat every few hours.


Pain medications. Over-the-counter pain relievers can reduce pain and inflammation. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be used.




Natural or herbal remedies




Clove oil. A natural antiseptic that numbs pain and reduces inflammation. Squeeze a small amount of clove oil onto a cotton ball and apply it to the painful area, or add a drop of clove oil to a small cup of water and rinse your mouth well.


Vanilla extract. The alcohol in the vanilla extract temporarily numbs the pain, and the antioxidants in it help the area heal. Use your fingertips or a cotton ball to apply the extract to the tooth and gums several times a day.


Peppermint tea, the soothing properties of mint can be applied to the painful area using a cooled mint tea bag. Place the warm tea bag on the teeth and gums.


Garlic, make a paste from a crushed garlic clove and apply it on the affected area, garlic can kill bacteria (it contains the antimicrobial allicin) and relieve pain

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May 3, 2023 admin

The benefits of ground fenugreek on the skin and body

Fenugreek is a drink rich in many vitamins and fibers necessary for health and minerals, but what are the health benefits when drinking boiled water with ground fenugreek? you more details.


The benefits of ground fenugreek


When you use ground fenugreek on a daily basis, you will notice the difference in the appearance of your hair and skin, as the fenugreek works to strengthen the hair roots and rebuild the follicles, as the soaked seeds work to produce a substance that gives a strong shine to the hair like no other, and as an alternative to chemicals, fenugreek seeds can be soaked Throughout the night, then grind in the morning and add yogurt to it, then put it on your scalp for 30 minutes to completely get rid of damaged hair problems. As for the benefits of ground fenugreek on the skin, it works to fight acne and scars on the skin, as it contains a substance that has Powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it also works to eliminate free radicals that cause wrinkles and dark spots.


Amazing information about ground fenugreek


As for those who suffer from weight gain, the fenugreek works on it to enhance the metabolism process, it may help to lose weight, because it contains natural fibers that work to reduce the desire to eat, which gives a feeling of fullness in the stomach, in addition to that it works to regulate insulin in blood, as it works to control diabetes, and leads to a decrease in blood levels when consuming fenugreek seed water daily, as for new mothers, it is the main drink after childbirth in order to help the mother produce milk because it contains vegetable protein that works to increase milk production and increase levels and weight gain in infants.


Mix the ground fenugreek with honey


In the end, we recommend drinking fenugreek with lemon and honey, as it works to increase immunity, reduce inflammation, and is an essential source of vitamins and many amazing health benefits that are unparalleled.

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