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June 30, 2023 admin

Soft hands like children’s hands in 10 minutes

We offer you, my dears, a wonderful recipe to soften the hands and make them super soft, like the softness of children’s hands. Follow it with us, apply it, and tell us the results.




1 tablespoon starch.


Human half a cucumber.


1 tablespoon bicarbonate of soda.


Juice of half a lemon.







Mix the ingredients together and apply to your hands for 10 minutes.


Then rinse them off with cold water.


And then put a few drops of sweet almond oil to moisturize.


Keep this recipe two or three times a week and you will be amazed at the wonderful result you will get in a very short period.

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June 8, 2023 admin

Baking soda remove dead skin

Both of us wish that her skin would be clear of any defects in her skin. If you suffer from the problem of dead skin in your skin, today we in the  Woman Magazine offer you a simple and easy recipe for removing dead skin. Watch the details of the article and I hope you like it and share your opinion with us…


the components :


1 tablespoon of baking soda.


Too little water.




Mix them together and apply it gently on the affected areas with dead skin and leave for 10-15 minutes.





Then it is washed well, and immediately after that you apply a moisturizer to your skin to make it look clean.


note :


The only problem with baking soda is the sneezing effect so don’t be alarmed by that.

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