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Archives des Carrot soap - Care Beauty

Carrot soap benefits and how to make it yourself

Have you ever tried using carrot soap? What are the benefits of carrot soap for the skin? Carrots are one of the most eaten vegetables around the world, as they offer many health benefits to the human body. And carrots are used in preparing food and in many different dishes, and you can also take carrot juice.

In addition to using carrots to prepare different types of food, carrots are also used in the manufacture of many different cosmetics that are useful for the body and skin, and carrot soap is one of these preparations that have many benefits for the skin when used on a regular basis.

Healthy carrot soap can help you get beautiful skin, as it is inexpensive and contains many beneficial substances for the skin such as beta-carotene, which acts as a powerful antioxidant that has the ability to rejuvenate skin cells and restore its glow again.


carrot soap benefits

Maintaining a consistent skin care routine for healthy and pure skin is a major challenge in the environment around us at the present time, due to the presence of many influences on the skin such as air pollution and excessive exposure to sunlight and others. A proper skin care regimen can whiten your skin, treat acne and slow down the skin aging process. Adding natural carrot soap to your skin care routine will provide many benefits to your skin, which include:

1- Carrot soap reduces pore size

Carrots have astringent properties that help reduce the size of the pores on the skin, which reduces the appearance of pimples and pimples on the skin significantly. Use carrot soap daily to maintain your skin and prevent the formation of pimples and acne on the skin.

2- Carrot soap removes excess oils and fats from the skin

Cleaning the skin using carrot soap helps remove excess fat from the skin, which makes carrot soap one of the great options for people with oily skin and who suffer from increased sebum production or skin fat. In addition, carrot soap keeps the skin moisturized and reduces the chances of dry skin.

3- It helps to get rid of dark spots

Many women suffer from the problem of the appearance of dark spots on the skin, especially with age, but with the use of carrot soap, it will help you get rid of dark spots significantly due to the presence of beta-carotene. The use of carrot soap stimulates the renewal of skin cells and the production of more melanin pigment, and thus helps to get rid of dark spots that appear on the skin and unify its color.

4- Carrot soap moisturizes the skin

Carrot soap contains many elements and substances that are beneficial to your skin and that help moisturize the skin effectively. Carrot soap is a great option for people with oily skin, as it helps them get rid of excess oily secretions on the skin.

5- Maintain the freshness of the skin

Vitamin A present in carrot soap helps maintain the freshness of the skin, nourishes it and eliminates dullness, which makes your skin look tired.

6- Carrot soap delays the appearance of signs of aging on the skin

Signs of aging such as stretch marks and fine lines appear on the skin with age, or due to some other factors that accelerate the appearance of these signs, such as excessive exposure to sunlight. And carrot soap contains a large amount of antioxidants, which fight free radicals, which are the main cause of early signs of aging on the skin. Regular use of carrot soap will delay the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

7- Carrot soap protects the skin from sunlight

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which provides protection for the skin from sun damage, which occurs due to the presence of ultraviolet rays, which leads to the appearance of freckles and dark spots on the face. It also provides a protective layer on the skin that prevents sunburn, especially for people who are exposed to the sun for long hours on a daily basis.

How to make carrot soap at home

Carrot soap is inexpensive and you can prepare it at home easily. Carrot soap is known for its distinctive orange color, which comes from the beta-carotene pigment found in carrots. Here is how to prepare carrot soap at home.

You will need to

  • 1/2 cup mashed carrots.
  • 1/2 cup of carrot boiled water.
  • Small spoon of salt.
  • 1/2 cup of natural olive oil soap.
  • A tablespoon of castor oil.
  • A tablespoon of olive oil.
  • A tablespoon of coconut oil

How to prepare

  • Put the mashed carrots, water and salt in a deep bowl, then slowly add the soap, and stir the ingredients together until well combined.
  • Put the mixture on a low heat and leave it on the fire for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the pot from the heat and leave it away for an hour to cool.
  • In another bowl, mix the essential oils together well, you can put them on a low heat for 30 seconds or a minute to make sure they are mixed together well, then let the bowl cool.
  • Pour the oil mixture into the bowl containing the grated carrots and mix well.

Pour the mixture into molds and leave them for a week, the longer the time, the more solid the soap will become

Carrot soap is one of the natural soaps that offers many health benefits to the skin when added to your daily skin care routine. You can rely on it on a daily basis and use it in the morning and evening to get its wonderful benefits and get rid of pimples, impurities and acne, as well as delaying the appearance of signs of aging on the skin.