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May 3, 2023 admin

The benefits of ground fenugreek on the skin and body

Fenugreek is a drink rich in many vitamins and fibers necessary for health and minerals, but what are the health benefits when drinking boiled water with ground fenugreek? you more details.


The benefits of ground fenugreek


When you use ground fenugreek on a daily basis, you will notice the difference in the appearance of your hair and skin, as the fenugreek works to strengthen the hair roots and rebuild the follicles, as the soaked seeds work to produce a substance that gives a strong shine to the hair like no other, and as an alternative to chemicals, fenugreek seeds can be soaked Throughout the night, then grind in the morning and add yogurt to it, then put it on your scalp for 30 minutes to completely get rid of damaged hair problems. As for the benefits of ground fenugreek on the skin, it works to fight acne and scars on the skin, as it contains a substance that has Powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it also works to eliminate free radicals that cause wrinkles and dark spots.


Amazing information about ground fenugreek


As for those who suffer from weight gain, the fenugreek works on it to enhance the metabolism process, it may help to lose weight, because it contains natural fibers that work to reduce the desire to eat, which gives a feeling of fullness in the stomach, in addition to that it works to regulate insulin in blood, as it works to control diabetes, and leads to a decrease in blood levels when consuming fenugreek seed water daily, as for new mothers, it is the main drink after childbirth in order to help the mother produce milk because it contains vegetable protein that works to increase milk production and increase levels and weight gain in infants.


Mix the ground fenugreek with honey


In the end, we recommend drinking fenugreek with lemon and honey, as it works to increase immunity, reduce inflammation, and is an essential source of vitamins and many amazing health benefits that are unparalleled.

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May 2, 2023 admin

Rice water and aesthetic benefits you did not expect

Rice water is one of the most important aesthetic secrets of East Asian countries, and it is the sure secret behind that pure and fresh skin of Asians. Women in those countries are always keen to regularly use boiled rice water during their aesthetic routine because of its many aesthetic benefits in skin and hair care.

Preparing rice water is a simple process that does not require time or effort. All you have to do is boil a quantity of rice in a large amount of water

> and retain the resulting water. The resulting rice water is rich in many nutrients such as antioxidants, minerals, vitamin E, and others.





> Uses of rice water for hair care: >

>Rice water contains carbohydrates, which help repair damaged hair. Where it works to strengthen the roots of the hair,

> To give you soft, silky hair. It also helps to treat hair loss effectively.

>Add a few drops of any essential oil such as lavender, rosemary, or tea tree oil to the rice water to enhance its beauty benefits

>For hair. After using the shampoo, rinse your hair with rice water and massage gently.

>Leave it for 4-5 minutes, then rinse well with lukewarm water.

> Repeat this twice a week to get the best results.

>You can also replace plain water with rice water while preparing hair recipes to enhance its aesthetic benefits.

>Within 3-4 weeks, you will notice a reduction in hair loss, while strengthening the hair roots and increasing the shine.


> Uses of rice water for skin care:

>- Keep the rice water in the fridge for at least two hours to cool completely.

> Then use as a toner or to rinse your face once a day.

> But be careful, it may cause dry skin, avoid it in the case of dry skin.

Mix chickpea flour with rice water, a little turmeric and a few drops of lemon juice to get a homogeneous mixture.

>Helps lighten skin tone.

Dip two cotton pads in cold rice water, and use it on your eyelids to reduce dark circles and eye wrinkles.

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