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June 17, 2023 admin

The definitive solution to your acne

How to make an acne drying mask ? What can be done as an acne dryer and to relieve acne?


“I pay a lot of attention to the cleanliness of my skin. I use creams suitable for acne-prone skin types. Despite this, are you one of those who say, “I can’t cope with my acne, it keeps multiplying”? Suggestions from İbrahim Saraçoğlu that will be the definitive solution to your acne:


Mineral water and apple cider vinegar for acne


Equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and mineral water are mixed in a bowl. It is applied to the skin 2 times a day with the help of a cotton ball.


This anti-acne tonic should not be washed off, but left on the skin. It is recommended to apply regularly until your acne goes away.


The most important point here is that both apple cider vinegar and mineral water should be natural. Otherwise, you will not see any benefit.


Those who think that acne arises only for a reason arising from the skin and that they can get rid of the problem of acne by using various products are very wrong. Many foods you eat and drink also cause your acne to be triggered.


Foods that trigger your acne



fresh grapes




You can observe an increase in your acne when you consume these foods, says İbrahim Saraçoğlu, emphasizing that those with acne problems should avoid tomatoes and garlic.


Be sure to try this mixture, which you can use as an acne drying mask. It will be a quick and effective solution.



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May 1, 2023 admin

Charcoal juice, a new discovery for weight loss

It is natural for every woman to want a graceful body and a wonderful look, so she strives to maintain a stable and healthy weight, but it is very difficult for many who suffer from obesity or overweight and are trying to lose weight through the use of medications, creams and various diets. It is her duty to eliminate the extra kilograms so that the woman feels She has a beautiful and healthy body. Several drugs have been launched on the market today, such as creams and pills that suppress appetite and dissolve excess fat in the body to help people lose weight faster, but on the other hand, these drugs may not be of any benefit at times and the weight remains the same. Today, a new product has been launched in the market, and we will introduce you to it. it through the women’s magazine




> Lose weight with charcoal juice:

Charcoal juice is one of the most popular products in the market today, as it has proven effective in losing weight quickly

> This is an incentive to reach the ideal weight. The system of this juice follows the detox systems that get rid of toxins in the body

>It is an appetite suppressant and has other advantages because it is made of charcoal, so it helps your skin to maintain its freshness.

> There is also charcoal juice with lemon, which is one of the best purifying juices. Charcoal consists of burnt organic materials and walnut shell juice.

> India, which provides the body with a negative electrical charge that allows the removal of toxins from the body.>

> From any health problems to avoid any effects of charcoal juice on your health.

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