Should zinc and magnesium be taken together?

Zinc and magnesium are essential minerals that the body needs. This means that you must meet your daily needs by consuming them through foods or supplements, because the body cannot make them on its own. While both zinc and magnesium are equally important, there are The misconception that you shouldn’t take both together, according to mindbodygreen.


Reasons to use zinc supplements:


Zinc has a number of benefits, it helps promote healthy skin and healing, has anti-inflammatory actions, and supports the health of your eyes, the mineral plays a large role in immune function, it is vital for the production of immune cells, such as neutrophils, macrophages, B cells, and T cells, and ensures the innate immune system Your body’s first line of defense is working as it should.


Reasons to take magnesium supplements


Magnesium is involved in more than 600 chemical reactions in the body, and like zinc, it is extremely important for optimal health. It depends on the ability of our nerves to transmit signals throughout our central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, etc.) , and proteins.


The power of taking zinc and magnesium together:


All nutrients interact with each other in some way that can work together, promoting and enhancing absorption, or sometimes work against each other, competing for absorption.


Zinc and magnesium are synergistic minerals that work together when taken in the correct doses. These minerals are often combined because of their overlapping benefits. If you suspect you are not meeting your zinc or magnesium needs, a supplement that combines the two, or just take the supplement at the same time, is a good idea. Today, it can help you get your levels back to normal.

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