
Say goodbye to dark circles forever!

Dark circles appear as a result of an increase in pigment under the eyes, and blackness under the eyes may be a hereditary factor in the family or due to iron deficiency. We must take care of these matters and treat them immediately so that we do not cause a lot of dark circles under the eyes. It will make you say goodbye to dark circles forever…

1- Every day before you go to sleep, wash your face in a good way, after that, apply it with bitter almond oil under your eyes, and God willing, the result will appear after three days.


2- Outdoor sports increases the level of oxygen in the blood, which gives it a bright red color and gives the skin a pink color.

3- Adequate, deep, early sleep and avoiding staying up late, as it causes early aging.




> 4 Not smoking; Because nicotine leads to constriction of blood vessels, which leads to dark skin discolorations, and carbon compounds also lead to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood, so the color of the skin becomes disturbed.>

<5 Not to be exposed to the sun for a long time, if that is necessary, then at the two ends of the day, and if there is otherwise, then a cream that filters the harmful rays of the sun should be applied.>

6- Avoid nasal congestion and see a specialist doctor to find out if there is congestion or sensitivity, even if it is not palpable to you. Do not use nasal drops for relieving congestion. Because using them for more than a few days on the fingers may lead to an opposite effect. The drops cause congestion rather than relieving it if used for more than 5 days or so.

> 7 Avoid hustle and bustle and nervous excitement, and look at events from their bright side.

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