
Phosphorus and its importance to human health…

Phosphorus and its importance to human health…

Phosphorus deficiency symptoms include weakness, weakness, and loss of appetite Continuing to talk about phosphorus, which is one of the most abundant minerals after calcium,



The absorption, storage and excretion of phosphorus actually depends on processes that include:



Vitamin D and parathyroid hormone. Also, like calcium, it exists in a complex, reciprocal relationship between bones, blood, and soft tissues in the body.






Also, it is always deposited in the bones and is released from them whenever its level in the blood fluctuates depending on the amount consumed in food and the amount excreted. This is in addition to that level




Phosphorus and calcium levels affect each other. It has been suggested that the intake of calcium and phosphorus should be equal in a 1 to 1 ratio, even if their ratio is…




Bones are 2 to 1, however increased phosphorus consumption is common with average daily intake of 1500mg to 1600mg



This means that the rate of intake of phosphorus in large quantities, in addition to the intake of a small amount of calcium for a long period, along with increased intake of proteins, represents the most important nutritional factor in losing weight.




Minerals from the bones and thus lead to osteoporosis.



Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency include weakness, weakness, loss of appetite, loss of bone mass and calcium, bone pain,






Irregular breathing, numbness or sensitivity in the skin, tremors and weakness in the body, and changes in weight.




Phosphorus and its importance to human health.

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