
Perfect Purifying Mask for Oily Skin  

Perfect Purifying Mask for Oily Skin  

Perfect Purifying Mask for Oily Skin






1 dessertspoon of mashed banana


1 dessertspoon of yogurt


1 Teaspoon of Clay


5 Drops Peppermint Oil


Preparation and application:


Combine all ingredients in a glass bowl and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon.


Apply the mixture by massaging with your fingertips all over your face, except around the eyes and lips.


Wait 25-30 minutes.


Wash your face with plenty of cold water.


Dry with a paper towel.




Oily skin is the skin type that is the most problematic. Because the oil accumulated on the skin leads to the closure of the pores in the skin. Skin with closed pores becomes unhealthy. Acne, acne problems appear on the skin. Pimples and acne cause spots on the skin this time. For many skin problems, it is not easy to deal with this time. For this reason, never neglect to take care of your skin.


Use this mask we have prepared regularly once a week. Because this mask has a purifying effect on the skin. In addition, it meets the needs of the skin with its rich vitamin and mineral structure.


Always use a wooden spoon while preparing the mask. Because of the clay’s property, it loses its properties when it interacts with metal or plastic.

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