Peeling melasma at home using natural recipes

The melasma  , also known as the cost or “pregnancy mask”, is a common skin condition characterized by brown or grey discoloured spots that appear on the most sun-exposed areas of the face, including cheeks, nose bridge, forehead, chin and upper lip. It is a chronic disorder in which the skin becomes hyperpigmented in irregular and tractable spots, giving it a spotted and brown appearance. Cost is particularly common in women, with more than 90% of cases occurring in females. Below we will learn how to naturally peel the cost at home and the most prominent ingredients you can mix for natural recipes you can easily apply to get rid of the cost.

Peeling melasma at home

If you are reluctant to use chemicals, you can always resort to cost physiotherapy. Here are some common ways to remove the melasma naturally.

Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant that lightens skin tone. Using a ratio of 1:2, mix the milk with turmeric powder and apply the mixture to the affected areas. Let the mixture dry completely and then rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat this procedure every day for the best results.

Lemon is one of the most common natural remedies for skin disorders. Lemon is also known as a natural bleaching agent. All you have to do is apply lemon juice to the affected areas and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. Do it twice a day and you’ll notice a marked difference in 3 weeks.

Papaya use raw and mature papaya to treat various skin disorders. Papaya, found in papaya, makes the best home remedy for cost. Mash a few pieces of papaya and mix with honey. Place the dough on the affected areas and leave for 20 minutes. Wash this packaging in 20 minutes. Do it once a week and for about 2-3 months.

Aloe vera is an ingredient used in many facial-related products. It is always better to use fresh aloe vera. Apply the fresh gel from the plant twice a day and massage your face for about two minutes. Leave for 15 minutes and wash with lukewarm water.

Onion there are a lot of home remedies for the melasma , and onion juice is one of the best. Because onions contain sulfoxides and sebin, it helps to get rid of the cost while also removing stains. Mash and mix onions

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