Night routines that will improve your quality of life





In order to end a busy day in the most beneficial way and go to bed peacefully, we need to show the care our body and soul deserve. Simple but effective routines that you will create to evaluate your pre-sleep time will open the doors to both physical and mental serenity for you. These steps, which allow you to have a better sleep and a refreshed morning, will also increase your quality of life when they become a routine.


Don’t take your skin care lightly

Our skin is exposed to many external factors such as dust, sun and humidity throughout the day. Night is the most important time for skin cells to renew themselves and while you are asleep, your cells work to repair themselves. A beautiful skin care routine that you will equip with serums, masks, lip balms and eye creams according to the needs of your skin type should become indispensable.


Calm your mind with meditation

Even just 10 minutes of meditation will be beneficial for relaxing your mind and body. Your meditation, which you can support with yoga, can become a key step in preparing for a comfortable sleep. Add meditation to your nightly routine to clear your thoughts and leave the stress of the day behind.


Unwind with a warm shower

A nice warm shower will relax your muscles and relax your body. A bath atmosphere that you can enjoy with your favorite scents and candlelight will also be good for your soul. Pamper yourself with a body lotion containing lavender oil after your shower.


Stay away from screens

We love scrolling through endless content on social media while lying in bed. However, in order to create a healthy nighttime routine, we need to stay away from our phones, tablets, and computers at least 30 minutes before bed. Blue light reduces the quality of your sleep by inhibiting the secretion of melatonin. It would be more beneficial to fill the remaining time of your screen time with a book.


For a relaxing herbal tea

Herbal teas such as chamomile, lemon balm or mint tea both ease digestion and help you relax. A small glass of tea can provide a peaceful start to the night and carry you into the peaceful arms of sleep.

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